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By Cynthia Rowland
Desperate people do desperate things and surgery is one of those desperate things that aging Baby Boomers hope can “fix” their sagging faces.
This is exactly what the practitioners that dispense paralyzing and plumping injections along with surgeries of every kind hope you believe. Cha-Ching! Cha-Ching! Cha-Ching!
Recent reports disclose that many anti-aging modalities actually have the opposite affect; rather than slowing or stopping the aging process, some doctors now say that facial plastic surgery and injections may indeed speed up aging. Their reasoning is this: healthy skin that has been cut and sutured never really looks or acts healthy.
Faces that are injected and injected again and again may portray a freakish look that is not equated with youthfulness.
Once a face is either plumped up with fillers or paralyzed with Botulinum A that face may begin to appear distorted. It is difficult not to stare at a face that is distinctly different; the forehead does not move, the eyes have less expression and the overall facial prettiness has departed the scene.
Many patients report dissatisfaction with the results they have via surgery and even injections. The dissatisfaction may be a result of a botched procedure but more likely the discontent is steeped in unrealistic expectations. “Too much, too little, too big, too little” are common plaints.
Once cosmetic procedures were reserved for ‘society dames’ and ‘actress types’ but now with generous financing possibilities, almost anyone who can afford monthly payments may now partake of these offerings. This instant affordability can be perilous to one’s health in many ways.
One very interesting side effect of surgery and injections is the seeming continuous desire for more. As one nearly 45 year old woman lamented, “My body, my body, my body – I still want to look like a pinup girl.” This woman regularly visits her plastic surgeon for plumping injections, Thermage, liposuction, paralyzing injections and has had various surgeries including a nose bob, breast implants and a blepharoplasty.
She has spent thousands of dollars in the past two years and is willing to spend even more chasing the elusive fountain of youth. Unbelievably, she does not express any satisfaction with her new looks. Her constant striving for a better looking face is akin to the gerbil on the wheel. Even now there are signs of facial distortion and if her current physician does not put on the brakes, she is likely to consult with other physicians who may take her money and fill her up with even more face altering chemicals.
How did she get on this fast track to destruction? Did a body dysmorphic disorder develop after consulting with numerous surgeons who repeatedly told her that many areas of her face and body could be enhanced with a little nip there, a tuck here and a prick of a syringe? Cha-ching!
Weaning a body from using more surgery and injections is tough because the aging process continues to occur.
Masking agents such as injections and other invasive anti-aging procedures that one enlists to stop an aging face are very temporary; even more alarming is knowing that the look of youthfulness will not return using artificial means that actually work against the body.
What is the quest that drives women and now men to seek desperate, temporary measures? It is the desire for a youthful face; one that appears lifted, tightened and toned.
If you can’t get that youthful face with surgeries and injections, what works?
Facial exercise works. Simple, yet specialized resistance and contraction movements will indeed give you the look of youthfulness. Cheeks, foreheads, jowls, pouches, double chins and more will look refreshed and revitalized without one prick of a needle or a cut or a suture.
Using just your thumbs and fingers wearing white exercise gloves you can safely and easily teach yourself the isometric movements that require only minutes a day. Your friends and family will begin noticing results in hardly anytime at all.
Just think – you can maintain a youthful look without any risk and the results are significant. Cha-Ching! Now you get to laugh all the way to the bank!
About the Author: Cynthia Rowland is widely recognized as an expert in all natural facial fitness. She has appeared on The View, NBC 4, Fit TV, HGTV and other popular shows. This author, speaker and television personality is leading the crusade to keep men and women looking vibrantly younger through natural techniques without spending their children’s inheritance. Discover how to look younger with Cynthia’s free report Facial Exercise the Evidence Doesn’t Lie
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