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Couples from all walks of life have issues that can break their relationships apart. While famous athletes or entertainers may not have the same money-related issues as the average married couple, even they still face challenges. Here are the top three reasons to seek relationship help from a therapist.
Lack of Communication
The reason why most people end up in couples counseling with a spouse or partner is due to a lack of communication. Some people do not know how to express themselves or they are afraid to speak out because they may offend their partners. A therapist can teach a couple how to communicate openly without exacerbating their problems.
Intimacy Problems
Not every couple is on the same page when it comes to sex and that can break up a relationship. If you or your partner have a fear of intimacy due to past trauma or feelings of inadequacy, going to couples counseling can help reveal and deal with those issues. A therapist can give couples the tools they need to be more intimate and help form a deeper connection between them.
Make up or Break up?
If there have been problems in your relationship and you and your partner are considering ending the relationship, going to couples counseling can help you both decide what to do. If one partner still wants to work on the relationship but the other is adamant on ending it, the therapist can help them both express their feelings to try to come to an agreement on what to do. Whether your issues are the result of infidelity, an addiction, or growing apart, going to counseling may mend or end the relationship.
If you and your spouse need help with some issues in your relationship, contact Dr. Rebecca Roy, Ph.D., The Industry Therapist to get help with these or other relationship issues. You can also follow them on Google+ for more updates.