
KKE: Interview with the Greek Communist Party

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wikinews reporter Iain Macdonald has performed an interview with Dr Isabella Margara, a London-based member of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE). In the interview Margara sets out the communist response to current events in Greece as well as discussing the viability of a communist economy for the nation. She also hit back at Petros Tzomakas, a member of another Greek far-left party which criticised KKE in a previous interview.

The interview comes amid tensions in cash-strapped Greece, where the government is introducing controversial austerity measures to try to ease the nation’s debt-problem. An international rescue package has been prepared by European Union member states and the International Monetary Fund – should Greece require a bailout; protests have been held against government attempts to manage the economic situation.


Interview with Olive Rose Steele, City Council candidate for Ward 6 in Mississauga, Canada

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The upcoming 2006 Mississauga municipal election, to be held November 13, features an array of candidates looking to represent their wards in city council.

Wikinews contributor Nicholas Moreau has contacted as many candidates as possible, including Olive Rose Steele, asking them to answer common questions sent in an email. There is no incumbent in the ward; also competing for the position are Matanat Khan, Sean Semper-Whyte, Terry Pierce, Jr., Ron Starr, and former MP Carolyn Parrish.

School Academy

Azure Multi Factor Authentication: Delegating Administration}

Submitted by: Rossy Guide

For full multi-factor authentication functionality, Microsofts Azure Multi-Factor Authentication is the product of choice.

Delegating Administration of the server:

When we want to delegate access to admins, we delegate four things.

1. Allowing interactive logon to administrators

Allowing interactive access: To allow Remote Desktop access on a Windows Server, and then the rights to access the Multi-Factor Authentication Server management console.

To do this is to add the global security group PhoneFactor Admins to the local administrators group by applying a Group Policy Preference on a separate Organization Unit containing all the Windows Servers running Multi-Factor Authentication Server.

Alternatively, you could perform this by hand:

o Log on to the Windows Server running Multi-Factor Authentication Server with an account with sufficient permissions to change local group memberships.

o Right-click Start.

o Select Computer Management from the context menu.

o In the left navigation pane of the Computer Management window, expand Local Users and Groups.

o Click Groups.

o In the main pane, click to select the Administrators

o Right-click the group and then select Add to group from the context menu.

o On the Administrators Properties window, click Add.

o Enter the name of the PhoneFactor Admins group and click Check Names.


o Click OK.

o On the Administrators Properties window, click OK.

o Close the Computer Management

o Log off.

Perform these steps on all the Windows Servers running Multi-Factor Authentication Server within the environment.

Adding admin colleagues to the PhoneFactor Admins group:

Now, all you need to do is add your colleague admins to the PhoneFactor Admins group in Active Directory Domain Services.

2. Allowing log access

Log on interactively to the Windows Server running Multi-Factor Authentication Server and perform these actions:

o Open File Explorer using the This PC tile on the Start screen.

o Navigate to Local Disk (C:), then Program Files, then Multi-Factor Authentication Server.

o Scroll down a bit in File Explorers main pane and click the Logs folder and right-click it and select Properties from the bottom of the context menu.

o Click the Security ta

o Click the Edit button.

o On the Permissions for Logs window, click Add

o Type the name of the group you want to assign access, and then click Check Names.

o Click OK.

o On the Permissions for Logs window, click OK.

o On the Logs Properties window, click the Sharing

o Click the Advanced Sharing

o Select Share this folder.

o Give the share an appropriate and add a $ to the end of it to hide it from other Windows-based devices.

o Click OK.

o On the Logs Properties window, click Close.

o Close File Explorer.

o Log off.

3. Delegating user and authentication management

Perform these steps to delegate management via the Multi-Factor Authentication User Portal:

o Log on to the Windows Server running Multi-Factor Authentication Server with an account with sufficient permissions to manage Multi-Factor Authentication.

o Open the Multi-Factor Authentication Server management console.

o In the left pane, click User Portal.

o Click the Administrators

o Click the Add button

o In the Username field, type the name of the colleague, or use the Select User button to select the user object from the Multi-Factor Authentication database.

o Select the appropriate permissions from the two lists of delegated management options.

o Click Add.

o Close the Multi-Factor Authentication Server management console.

o Log off.

4. Delegating notifications

Here are the steps:

o Log on to the Windows Server running Multi-Factor Authentication Server with an account with sufficient permissions.

o Open the Multi-Factor Authentication Server management console.

o In the left pane, click Email.

o In the main pane, select Send notifications to User Portal administrators with the o Receive Notifications permission if it is not already selected.

o In the Send notifications to these email addresses field, add email addresses for the additional users who should receive notifications.

o Close the Multi-Factor Authentication Server management console.

o Log off.

About the Author: If you like this article and want to find more information about Windows FTP server I recommend you to check our Windows FTP website:




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SpaceX scrubs Falcon I rocket launch

Monday, November 28, 2005

SpaceX called off the much-delayed inaugural launch of their new Falcon 1 rocket on Saturday from Kwajalein’s Omelek Island launch site. The intent was to launch the U.S. Air Force Academy’s FalconSat 2 satellite, which will monitor plasma interactions with the Earth’s upper atmosphere and magnetosphere.

The launch was delayed, then finally cancelled after an oxygen boil-off vent had accidentally been left open. The oxygen was unable to cool the helium pressurant, which then proceeded to evaporate faster than it could be replenished. A main computer issue, probably serious enough to cause a scrub on its own, was also discovered.

This long-anticipated flight was originally expected to be launched in January 2005, however a series of setbacks forced a series of delays, with the flight most recently scheduled to be in early 2006. It was intended to be launched from the Kwajalein atoll in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

The maiden voyage was originally intended to launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California with a Naval Research Laboratory satellite and a Space Services Incorporated space burial payload.


Standard Operating Procedure changes at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

In an investigation reported on first by Wikinews, Wikileaks today revealed another chapter in the story of the Standard Operations Procedure (SOP) manual for the Camp Delta facility at Guantanamo Bay. The latest documents they have received are the details of the 2004 copy of the manual signed off by Major General Geoffrey D. Miller of the U.S. Southern Command. This is following on from the earlier leaking of the 2003 version. Wikileaks passed this document to people they consider experts in the field to carry out an analysis trying to validate it. Following this, they set out to assess what had changed between 2003 and 2004; including attempts to link publicly known incidents with changes to the manual.

Wikinews obtained the document and did an in-depth analysis. The American Civil Liberties Union had previously made a request to view and obtain copies of the same document, but was denied access to them.

One of the first notable changes to the document relates to the detainees themselves. Previously they read the camp rules during admission processing. Rules are now posted around the camp in detainees’ languages. The English version of the rules is as follows:

  1. Comply with all rules and regulations. You are subject to disciplinary action if you disobey any rule or commit any act, disorder, or neglect that is prejudicial to good order and discipline.
  2. You must immediately obey all orders of U.S. personnel. Deliberate disobedience, resistance, or conduct of a mutinous or riotous nature will be dealt with by force. Be respectful of others. Derogatory comments toward camp personnel will not be tolerated.
  3. You may not have any articles that can be used as a weapon in your possession at any time. If a weapon is found in your possession, you will be severely punished. Gambling is strictly forbidden.
  4. Being truthful and compliance will be rewarded. Failure to comply will result in loss of privileges.
  5. All trash will be returned immediately to U.S. personnel when you are finished eating. All eating utensils must be returned after meals.
  6. No detainee may conduct or participate in any form of military drill, organized physical fitness, hand-to-hand combat, or martial arts style training.
  7. The camp commander will ensure adequate protection for all personnel. Any detainee who mistreats another detainee will be punished. Any detainee that fears his life is in danger, or fears physical injury at the hands of another person can report this to U.S. personnel at any time.
  8. Medical emergencies should be brought to the guards’ attention immediately.

Your decision whether or not to be truthful and comply will directly affect your quality of life while in this camp.

Of concern to groups such as Amnesty International who campaign for the camp’s closure, or Human Rights Watch concerned about prisoner handling under the prisoner of war aspects of the Geneva Convention, is the fact that policy for newly admitted detainees still allows for up to 4 weeks where access to the detainee by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) may be denied. In addition, guards are not to allow ICRC staff to pass mail to detainees.

A new process has been formed which allows guards to determine whether or not a detainee receives awards, or is punished. The form is called a GTMO Form 508-1 (pictured to the right). According to the manual, the form “is used to determine which rewards the detainee will lose or gain,” but “special rewards” can also be earned, outside of the process. One special reward is time allowed outside. Another special reward is a roll of toilet paper, but the detainee cannot share it with others. Doing so will result in “punishment” and confiscation of the roll. If the detainee already has a roll of toilet paper, he is not allowed to have another.

“Guards need to ensure that the detainee doesn’t receive additional toilet paper when the detainee already has it. The amount given to the detainee will be the same amount as normally distributed to the detainee,” states the manual.

No matter how bad a detainee may act, “haircuts will never be used as punitive action” against them, but they can have hair removed for health reasons. They can, however, be segregated from other detainees.

“If a detainee has committed an offense that requires segregation time, even if a segregation cell is not available, the detainee will receive a shave and a haircut for hygiene and medical reasons. If the detainee is IRFed, the haircut and shave will follow the decontamination process,” adds the manual. Barbers are also part of cell searches.

Despite these changes, a great deal of effort has gone into ensuring the furore over detainee abuse does not recur. Rules governing the use of pepper spray (Oleoresin Capsicum, or OC) appear at an earlier point in the manual with considerable expansion. Infractions such as spitting, throwing water at, or attempting to urinate on guards appear as explicitly listed cases where pepper spray may not be used. Extensive decontamination procedures are included in the document, including immediately calling for a medical check on any detainee exposed to pepper spray. This was not previously present.

As a counter to the clearer instructions on use of pepper spray, Wikileaks asserts that many of the stricter rules for guards (referred to as Military Police or MPs in the 2003 manual) aim to reduce fraternisation that may improve detainee morale and adversely influence any interrogation process. Guards are informed in the manual not to take personal mail and parcels within the detention blocks or at any other duty stations. All electronic devices except issued materiel are prohibited, and guards may face disciplinary action should they keep detainees apprised of current affairs or discuss issues in their personal lives.

Additional restrictions on the detainees’ chaplain are included in the revised document. Wikileaks speculated that many of these changes might have stemmed from the widely publicised case of James Yee. Captain Yee, a West Point graduate, served at the Guantanamo Bay base as a Muslim chaplain to the detainees and received two Distinguished Service medals for his work. Following discovery of a list of detainees and interrogators by U.S. Customs in Florida Yee was charged with sedition, aiding the enemy, spying, espionage, and failure to obey a general order. Eventually all charges were dropped with national security concerns being raised should evidence be released.

The most notable changes surrounding the role of the chaplain include its removal as a permanent position on the facility’s Library Working group and its exclusion from the decision process on appropriate detainee reading material. Wikileaks contacted lawyers representing detainees in the camp to perform their own analysis. Their opinion of the changes were that the library operation had been considerably tightened up. Duplicate books are required for the individual four camps to prevent covert use of books to communicate between camps. Periodicals, dictionaries, language instruction books, technology or medical update information, and geography were additions to the prohibited material. Instructions indicate such books must be returned to the source or donor.

The revised SOP manual makes considerable progress on documenting procedures, even those that are remote possibilities. A lengthy addition details rules to follow in the event of an escape or escape attempt. Laced throughout this procedure is an emphasis on having any such incident fully documented and – wherever possible – filmed. The procedure is explicit in how to recapture an escaped detainee with minimal use of force. One additional procedure covers the admission of ambulances to the main base area. A detailed security protocol to ensure only expected and authorised traffic gains access is included, as is a procedure streamlined to ensure the ambulance arrives on the scene as quickly as possible.

Unchanged from the 2003 manual is the set menu of four ready-to-eat meals (Meal, Ready-to-Eat or MRE) issued to detainees. However, additional steps are to be taken for “MRE Sanitization”; supply personnel must remove anything that can damage waste disposal systems— presumably a military term for toilets. Under normal camp conditions, detainees should be fed hot meals as opposed to MREs, but no details on the variety of menu are included.

Wikinews attempted to get feedback on this. US Southern Command passed a query on to Rick Haupt (Commander, U.S. Navy Director of Public Affairs, Joint Task Force at Guantanamo) who responded that “questions were forwarded along with a request to authenticate the leaked document; a response is pending.” At this time no response to emails has been received from the ICRC or Human Rights Watch.

The Pentagon has requested that the document be removed from Wikileaks because “information with the FOUO (For Official Use Only) label is not approved for release to the public.” They then state that the document can be “made available through a Freedom Of Information Act request through official channels.”

 This story has updates See US military confirms authenticity of Standard Operating Procedures for Guantanamo Bay 

Fiji Military Coup possibly underway

Monday, December 4, 2006

Fiji’s fourth coup in 20 years rose today as troops disarmed Fiji’s only armed police unit. This is the first step in the long expected military coup.

Fiji’s president dissolved parliament on Tuesday and sanctioned the military to remove embattled Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase, said New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark

Qarase, who is in his residence in Suva, said the military was staging a coup and he would not resign but would have to be forcibly removed from office.

“I am not going anywhere,” Qarase told Reuters.

“I am the democratically elected prime minister of the people of Fiji. They will have to move me by force.”

“I have been advised this morning that the president of Fiji has acted outside his constitutional powers and supported the removal of the democratic prime minister by the military,” Clark said in a statement to the New Zealand parliament.

Acting Police Commissioner Moses Driver denied that any take over had occurred. He said soldiers arrived to inspect police weapons, and were waiting for approval for that inspection. Troops later surrounding the Nasova Police Academy in Suva demanding the handover of weapons, and occupied the main police station in Suva. No shots were fired when the police were locked out.

At a news conference inside the main Suva barracks, Commander Frank Bainimarama said that police weapons were confiscated so that “dissidents” did not use them against the military.

There are also reports that military checkpoints are been set up around the capital. There are approximately four roadblocks with 20 soliders at each.

Troops tried to arrest the Prime Minister of Fiji, Laisenia Qarase, in the afternoon by setting up a roadblock between Suva and the province where Mr Qarase was attending a meeting, but he escaped in a helicopter, and has since been in hiding. The Prime Minister and his cabinet are understood to be in safe, secure places, and some of them separated for extra security.

The army kept up the pressure on Mr Qarase when he was later summoned to President Ratu Josefa Iloilo’s residence.

Mr Qarase drove to the estate, but was told by soldiers at a roadblock outside that he would have to walk the rest of the way. A witness inside the grounds said the prime minister, whose bodyguards were also disarmed by the military, refused and returned to his office.

Mr Qarase will make another attempt to meet President Iloilo on Tuesday morning.

Military chief Commander Frank Bainimarama had repeatedly threatened to remove Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase’s government unless it drops several pieces of legislation, including a bill that would grant amnesty to those involved in a coup in 2000. Commander Bainimarama has laid allegations on PM Qarase of stalling his pledge of ditching of the controversial legislation.

However Bainimarama is denying a coup is under way. “This is not a coup,” Bainimarama said today. “Everything is normal. Nothing is going on.”

He had earlier imposed a deadline of noon (0000GMT) on Friday, December 1 but that deadline was extended to today as there was the annual rugby game between the police and the military. Commander Bainimarama is both an avid rugby fan and active church goer. The police won the rugby game. “I maintain my demands and the deadline still stands and I will make a commitment to my stand after the rugby match,” he said.

Mr Qarase told Fiji radio on Monday morning that he remained in control and has called an emergency cabinet meeting for Tuesday.

Fiji’s Great Council of Chiefs called for calm on Monday and for the military to return to negotiations with the government.

Local radio reported seven government vehicles used by ministers and parliament’s Speaker had been confiscated by the military since Monday night.

World leaders have commended Commander Bainimarama actions. Including New Zealand which has banned Commander Bainimarama from entering New Zealand except if he is attending political crises talks. Helen Clark described the situation as “…it’s a very disturbing situation.” Some of Commander Bainimarama’s close family live in New Zealand.

Conditions on the street of Fiji are said to be mixed, with some apprehension.

The United Nations might discontinue use of Fijian soldiers in peacekeeping operations of which is a large source of Fiji’s income. Also the British army might not use Fijian soldiers. The International Community have said they will discontinue aid to Fiji which is worth millions annually.


Window Cleaning In Plumas County: Ways To Clean Your Windows}

Submitted by: Cory Frank

Window cleaning is a fundamental part of your home chores. It is one of the features that show how neat or dirty you are. It easily describes your personality. Regardless of how frequently you clean your windows, understand that the various types of windows in your home or your auto require different kinds of cleaning. Along these lines, in the event that you plan to clean your glass windows, the arrangement will not be quite the same as that of a vinyl dowager or tinted windows. In this way, it is vital that you know how to embrace the undertaking legitimately and securely. The following is the regulated guideline of how to clean the different kinds of windows:

Ways to Clean Your Glass Windows

Glass windows are the most widely recognized kind of windows that are used as a part of both advanced and conventional structures. In any case, since they are made of glass, you must be watchful because any unpleasant cleaning or improper handling will give your windows scratches and undesirable imprints which is definitely going to deface your precious window. Along these lines, to clean glass windows, you can settle on one of the business cleaning operators showcased for this reason. There are professionals who handle window cleaning in the Bay Area.


You can likewise make your own particular window cleaner as well. Although, this will spare your cash spent on costly materials, it definitely will not be as professional as when handled by an expert window cleaning agent. Pick the arrangement that is promptly accessible to you and if you are handling it yourself, ensure that you clean your glass windows with a delicate wipe or delicate fabric to guarantee that there are no scratches.

Ways to Clean Your Vinyl Windows

In a case where you live in one of those houses which have vinyl glass, you must be cautious. Vinyl glass is amazingly convenient, especially for the modern houses on account of their substitution quality and their capacity to be taken out totally for cleaning purposes. In any case, the cleaning of vinyl glass is somewhat more technical than with glass windows. The explanation behind this is that these kinds of windows are not as scratch resistant as glass windows, in this way, hard to manage. In any case, you can make special window cleaner for vinyl windows too. Get yourself some oil soap, some dish detergent or soap, vinegar to do the window cleaning. A quality oil soap is important here on the grounds that it helps in disposing off those water spots that regularly form on your precious windows. In this way, clean the vinyl windows using soft cloth with these ingredients.

Ways to Clean Your Tinted Windows

Tinted windows in your office or care additionally require unique care in the way they are cleaned, particularly to hold the tint of the glass. You must make certain that you don’t utilize soaps that have ammonia because they are excessively strong for your tinted windows and can even to a large extent destroy the tint after continuous use. Along these lines, utilize a mild soap to clean your tinted windows and get marvelous, clean windows.

While you can try to see if you can handle the basic cleaning by yourself, the best way is to engage professionals whose it is to give your windows befitting ambience they deserve. In addition to Bay Area window cleaning, there are also Bay Area holiday lighting and Bay Area gutter cleaning that are available to help you.

About the Author: For more information, click the following links; gutter cleaning Bay Area, Bay Area holiday lighting and Bay Area window cleaning, or visit this website,




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Airborne sedan smashes into dental office in Santa Ana, California, US

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

A car accident involving the car occupants and a dentist’s office happened on Sunday night in Santa Ana, California. A white Nissan sedan which was apparently driving too fast hit the raised concrete median on the road, after which it was launched into the air, slamming straight into the wall of the second floor of a two-story dental practice building, where the car got wedged.

According to the police, the car approached from a side street. The room of the dental office penetrated by the sedan was used as a storage space. A fire department crane was used to extract the vehicle from the building, which took several hours.

There were two people in the sedan. One of them managed to escape from the hanging vehicle on his own, while the other one remained trapped inside it for over an hour. They were both hospitalized with minor injuries, according to the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA). According to the police, the driver of the car admitted narcotics use, and after toxicology tests the case is to be submitted to the Orange County District Attorney’s Office.

The moment of the accident was captured by surveillance video from a bus which the car narrowly missed when becoming airborne.

According to OCFA spokesperson Captain Stephen Horner, there was a small fire after the crash, which was extinguished quickly.


Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Progessive Conservative candidate Tyler Currie, Trinity-Spadina

Monday, October 1, 2007

Tyler Currie is running as an Progressive Conservative candidate in the Ontario provincial election, in the riding of Trinity-Spadina. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.


The Aviator and Vera Drake scoop top prizes at the 2005 Orange BAFTA Film Awards

Sunday, February 13, 2005

LONDON – The big-budget Hollywood movie The Aviator and the low-budget Brit flick Vera Drake have scooped the main prizes at the 2005 Orange BAFTA Film Awards. Four gongs went to The Aviator with the top ones being Best Film and Cate Blanchett for Best Supporting Actress. Vera Drake got three gongs with Best Director, Best Actress & Costume Design. Jamie Foxx got Best Actor with Ray and Clive Owen got Best Supporting Actor with Closer.