
Dairy cattle with names produce more milk, according to new study

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Giving a cow a name and treating her as an individual with “more personal touch” can increase milk production, so says a scientific research published in the online “Anthrozoos,” which is described as a “multidisciplinary journal of the interactions of people and animals”.

The Newcastle University‘s School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development’s (of the Newcastle University Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering) researchers have found that farmers who named their dairy cattle Ermintrude, Daisy, La vache qui rit, Buttercup, Betsy, or Gertrude, improved their overall milk yield by almost 500 pints (284 liters) annually. It means therefore, an average-sized dairy farm’s production increases by an extra 6,800 gallons a year.

“Just as people respond better to the personal touch, cows also feel happier and more relaxed if they are given a bit more one-to-one attention,” said Dr Catherine Douglas, lead researcher of the university’s School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. “By placing more importance on the individual, such as calling a cow by her name or interacting with the animal more as it grows up, we can not only improve the animal’s welfare and her perception of humans, but also increase milk production,” she added.

Drs Douglas and Peter Rowlinson have submitted the paper’s conclusion: “What our study shows is what many good, caring farmers have long since believed. Our data suggests that, on the whole, UK dairy farmers regard their cows as intelligent beings capable of experiencing a range of emotions.” The scientific paper also finds that “if cows are slightly fearful of humans, they could produce [the hormone] cortisol, which suppresses milk production,” Douglas noted. “Farmers who have named their cows, probably have a better relationship with them. They’re less fearful, more relaxed and less stressed, so that could have an effect on milk yield,” she added.

South Norfolk goldtop-milk producer Su Mahon, one of the country’s top breeder of Jersey dairy herds, agreed with Newcastle’s findings. “We treat all our cows like one of the family and maybe that’s why we produce more milk,” said Mrs Mahon. “The Jersey has got a mind of its own and is very intelligent. We had a cow called Florence who opened all the gates and we had to get the welder to put catches on to stop her. One of our customers asked me the other day: ‘Do your cows really know their names?’ I said: I really haven’t a clue. We always call them by their names – Florence or whatever. But whether they really do, goodness knows,” she added.

The researchers’ comparative study of production from the country’s National Milk Records reveals that “dairy farmers who reported calling their cows by name got 2,105 gallons (7,938 liters) out of their cows, compared with 2,029 gallons (7,680 liters) per 10-month lactation cycle, and regardless of the farm size or how much the cows were fed. (Some 46 percent of the farmers named their cows.)”

The Newcastle University team which has interviewed 516 UK dairy farmers, has discovered that almost half – 48% – called the cows by name, thereby cutting stress levels and reported a higher milk yield, than the 54% that did not give their cattle names and treated as just one of a herd. The study also reveals cows were made more docile while being milked.

“We love our cows here at Eachwick, and every one of them has a name,” said Dennis Gibb, with his brother Richard who co-owns Eachwick Red House Farm outside of Newcastle. “Collectively, we refer to them as ‘our ladies,’ but we know every one of them and each one has her own personality. They aren’t just our livelihood, they’re part of the family,” Gibb explained.

“My brother-in-law Bobby milks the cows and nearly all of them have their own name, which is quite something when there are about 200 of them. He would be quite happy to talk about every one of them. I think this research is great but I am not at all surprised by it. When you are working with cows on a daily basis you do get to know them individually and give then names.” Jackie Maxwell noted. Jackie and her husband Neill jointly operate the award-winning Doddington Dairy at Wooler, Doddington, Northumberland, which makes organic ice cream and cheeses with milk from its own Friesian cows.

But Marcia Endres, a University of Minnesota associate professor of dairy science, has criticized the Newcastle finding. “Individual care is important and could make a difference in health and productivity. But I would not necessarily say that just giving cows a name would be a foolproof indicator of better care,” she noted. According to a 2007 The Scientist article, named or otherwise, dairy cattle make six times more milk today than they did in the 1990s. “One reason is growth hormone that many U.S. farmers now inject their cows with to increase their milk output; another is milking practices that extend farther into cows’ pregnancies, according to the article; selective breeding also makes for lots of lactation,” it states.

Critics claimed the research was flawed and confused a correlation with causation. “Basically they asked farmers how to get more milk and whatever half the farmers said was the conclusion,” said Hank Campbell, author of Scientific Blogging. In 1996, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs provided for a complex new cattle passport system where farmers were issued with passport identities. The first calf born under the new regime were given names like “UK121216100001.”

Dr Douglas, however, counters that England doesn’t permit dairy cattle to be injected hormones. The European Union and Canada have banned recombinant bovine growth hormone (rGBH), which increases mastitis infection, requiring antibiotics treatment of infected animals. According to the Center for Food Safety, rGBH-treated cows also have higher levels of the hormone insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), which may be associated with cancer.

In August 2008, Live Science published a study which revealed that cows have strange sixth sense of magnetic direction and are not as prone to cow-tipping. It cited a study of Google Earth satellite images which shows that “herds of cattle tend to face in the north-south direction of Earth’s magnetic lines while grazing or resting.”

Newcastle University is a research intensive university in Newcastle upon Tyne in the north-east of England. It was established as a School of Medicine and Surgery in 1834 and became the “University of Newcastle upon Tyne” by an Act of Parliament in August 1963.

The School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development is a school of the Newcastle University Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering, a faculty of Newcastle University. It was established in the city of Newcastle upon Tyne as the College of Physical Science in 1871 for the teaching of physical sciences, and was part of Durham University. It existed until 1937 when it joined the College of Medicine to form King’s College, Durham.

Hyperhidrosis Surgery

Landscaping Tasks That A Backhoe Rental Can Accomplish In Harrisburg, Pa

byAlma Abell

Landscaping is an art form that balances beauty and function. Often, a clean slate is needed before the landscaping design can be implemented. This is where a backhoe can streamline the process of getting a clean slate. These are some of the tasks that can be more easily accomplished with the help of this piece of machinery.

One task where a Backhoe Rental in Harrisburg PA comes in handy is the removal of old concrete or asphalt patios. While breaking up these pieces can be accomplished with a jackhammer, these materials are extremely heavy to remove even when broken up. It can take a lot of manpower and time to get the patio removed. This type of project requires less manpower and less time to accomplish. This means you can get to the building phase much sooner.

Another task in which a backhoe is extremely helpful is the movement of materials from one place to another. Often, deliveries of dirt, rocks and other supplies are dropped off in the front yard because of limitations of the trucks. Moving these materials to the proper position can take a lot of time and sweat. Whereas, a backhoe can move a vast amount of materials in a shorter amount of time. This can help you save the muscle power for the more intensive and detailed tasks such as laying down the patio.

A Backhoe Rental in Harrisburg PA is also handy for helping to regrade the yard for improved drainage. Because the grade of a yard is so important in protecting the foundation, this can require the movement of a lot of dirt. In yards where grading is a major issue, the backhoe can make it easier to put the dirt where it is needed the most. It is also handy in filling areas where erosion has had made parts of the yard unusable.

These are some of the landscaping tasks that a backhoe from the Slaymaker Group can help with when creating that clean slate. While the end result of a landscaping job is the beauty and function of the yard, getting there can require a large amount of work.


Efforts to cap Deepwater Horizon oil spill delayed again

 Correction — May 11, 2011 This article incorrectly describes BP as ‘British Petroleum’. In fact, such a company has not existed for many years as BP dropped this name when becoming a multinational company. The initials no longer stand for anything. 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

An attempt to cap the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has hit yet another obstacle, reported officials from British Petroleum (BP).

Friday night’s attempt to install a 6-inch (15.2cm) tube into the leaking drill pipe was only the latest in a series of efforts by BP to stop or slow down the spill. Previously, the oil company had tried to enclose the pipe with a large container dome, and then lowered a smaller “top hat” container dome. The siphon tube method is designed to reduce the amount of oil flowing into the ocean, but is not a permanent solution to stopping the leak altogether. It will draw the oil from the broken pipe to a tanker at the surface, said BP.

The tube was to be inserted into the broken pipe by robotic submarines, but the attempt on Friday to do so was unsuccessful, causing it to be taken back up for changes. The problem was a metal frame on the tube, which had changed position and this prevented the tube sent down from the drill ship Discover Enterprise from connecting. The tube had not been inserted into the leaking drill pipe before it was brought back up.

BP said that it would try again Saturday night (local time) to slow the leak using a reconfigured tube. If this attempt is unsuccessful, they will use the smaller dome to cap the leak, and may also try to plug the leak by covering it with trash, mud, or concrete. The company is already in the process of drilling relief wells to completely stop the leak, but this is expected to take several more months. The amount of oil currently leaking from the pipe is disputed, and BP said it has spent several hundred million US dollars in response to the oil spill.

BP was also given permission yesterday by the US Coast Guard and the Environmental Protection Agency to use chemical oil dispersants to combat the spill.


Argentine footballer Mascherano announces international retirement

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Argentine footballer Javier Mascherano announced retirement from international football after losing 3–4 against France in the Last 16 knockout phase of the FIFA World Cup yesterday.

Mascherano made his international debut on June 17, 2003, at the age of nineteen. Since then, he has won 147 international caps with Argentina, a national record. Mascherano has featured in four different FIFA World Cup tournaments, since the 2006 World Cup.

After the match, 34-year-old Mascherano said, “It’s time to say goodbye and for the younger players to step in.” He also said, “Personally, from now on, I will be just another fan, it’s over” ((es))Spanish language: ?En lo personal, a partir de ahora, seré un hincha más. Se terminó.

In the last four years, Mascherano has won the silver medal at the 2014 FIFA World Cup, 2015 Copa América ((en))America Cup and 2016’s Copa América Centenario.


Hire Someone To Help With Your Garbage Disposal In Rosemount

byAlma Abell

If you have noticed that your garbage disposal is making a strange noise, it may be time to have it inspected. Set up an appointment with a Garbage Disposal in Rosemount contractor today. He will come to your home, assess the situation, and hopefully get it working again right away.

Maybe you are under the impression that your garbage disposal is old and it’s not really worth fixing. Don’t make any major decisions until you have spoken with Tim Lockler’s Appliance Service. They know what they are dealing with when it comes to a garbage disposal. It doesn’t matter whether it won’t turn on at all, or it is making a humming noise, or maybe something is jammed. No matter what it happens to be, you can count on the fact that someone will be there to get it up and running before you know it.

If you are someone who relies on having a garbage disposal that works properly at all times, you need to get this fixed right away. If your garbage disposal is making a funny noise, it is probably about ready to drive you crazy. Rather than trying to communicate with your family over the noise of the garbage disposal, get it fixed today. You probably don’t really know where to begin the process of fixing a garbage disposal. This is why you need to turn your problems over to a Garbage Disposal in Rosemount contractor. He will work hard to make sure that everything is up and running perfectly before he leaves.

This is your home and it is your responsibility to take good care of your appliances. No matter what the problem happens to be, you can count on the fact that it will be fixed right the first time. Always hire someone to fix your appliances appropriately. This can help protect the warranty that you may have on your appliances. It can also save you a lot of headache. Get in touch with an appliance repairman today. He will not only take good care of your garbage disposal, but any other appliances that you may have.


FEMA official in New Orleans blasts agency’s response

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Marty Bahamonde, the only FEMA emplyee in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina, testifying before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, contradicts former FEMA director Michael Brown’s testimony and says Brown ignored his pleas for help.

In an August 31 Blackberry email:

“Sir, I know you know that this situation is past critical. Here are some things you might not know. Hotels are kicking people out, thousands gathering in the streets with no food or water. Hundreds still being rescued from homes” and “medical staff at the Dome expect to run out of oxygen in about 2 hours”

In an email from one of Brown’s aids:”Please schedule Joe Scarborough this evening… Also, it is very important that time is allowed for Mr. Brown to eat dinner. Gievn[sic] that Baton Rouge is back to normal, restaurants are getting busy”


Iran’s morality police crack down on un-Islamic dress

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Iranian police forces have faced criticism from Ayatollah Hashemi Shahrudi, the head of the judiciary who was appointed by Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, for their re-invigorated campaign to do away with un-Islamic dress.

Ayatollah Shahroudi proclaimed, “Tough measures on social problems will backfire and have counter-productive effects.” Others have, of course, made it clear that un-Islamic dress can lead to moral corruption, engender innumerable vices, and hurt the Islamic character of the nation.

Some believe that no one had any issue with the creation of an Islamic atmosphere. The core of the matter revolves around the implementation of the Islamic dress code; additionally, heavy-handed measures should be shunned. For instance, Mehdi Ahmadi, information head of Tehran’s police, told Al Jazeera: “Some citizens may complain about the way the law is being enforced but they all agree with the plan itself.”

According to one student, “You simply can’t tell people what to wear. They don’t understand that use of force only brings hatred towards them, not love.” Nevertheless, Hojatoll-Islam Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi, Iran’s interior minister who is in charge of policing, prognosticated positive feedback from the populace when he said, “People are unhappy with the social and moral status of the society. They expect that the fight against social insecurity be properly implemented.” Thus, Hujjat al-Islam Pour-Mohammadi re-iterated the necessity of proper implementation and methodology towards the restoration of morality in the Islamic Republic. Islamic officials and religious people affirm that this is indispensable to promote righteousness, curb sin, and bring open sinners to justice.

Following the Islamic Revolution in 1979, hijab became mandatory in Iran for every woman including foreigners after over 98% of citizens voted for an Islamic government. Women may face caning up to 74 strokes for failing to observe hijab. In this recent crackdown, the authorities have arrested many citizens throughout the country. Not only have women been taken into custody for their hair being uncovered on their foreheads and tight clothes that show body shapes, For men they need to cover from knee to their waist as according to Sharia. Even a foreign journalist was detained because the photograph on her press card was indecent.

It has not been clear whence the directive for the re-newed clampdown emanated. Some have blamed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad while Gholam Hossein Elham, the government spokesman, stated to reporters, “The police work as agents of the judiciary to confront crimes. The government as an executive body does not interfere in the affairs of the judiciary.” The following pre-election speech seems to corroborate this latter statement:

In reality, is the problem of our people the shape of the hair of our children? Let our children arrange their hair any way they wish. It doesn’t concern me and you. Let you and me overhaul the basic problems of the nation. The government should fix the economy of the nation and improve its atmosphere…[It should] better psychological security and support the people. People have variegated tastes. As if now the arch obstacle of our nation is the arrangement of our kids’ hair and the government disallowing them <He chuckles>. Is this the government’s responsibility? Is this the people’s merit? In actuality, this is the denigration of our people. Why do you underestimate and belittle the people? It is the real issue of our nation that one of our daughters donned a certain dress? Is this the issue of our nation and the problem of our nation?

Energy Systems

Sun Tube Skylights Grant Home Owners Low Cost Green Energy

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Spanning the eras, individuals by means of almost all parts of society have relished the actual warmth and also light given by the sun . Lately, increasing numbers of people have begun to recognize that they can utilize the warmth and also vibrant light that is furnished by the sun basically by putting in a Sun Tube in their specific property. In fact, it truly is becoming increasingly typical for more than a single Sun Tube to get setup taking into account the fact that the more you possess the brighter and cozier its going to really feel inside your property.

You may very well be curious as to just what a Sun Tube is actually, and just how it is distinctive from a general skylight. Usually , a Sun Tube is drastically simpler to put in and will truly capture and direct the sunlight that exists outside to substantially increase the amount of soft natural brightness in a particular place. A more traditional skylight will not actually magnify any sunlight and is drastically a lot more intrusive to get to put in.


Very best of all, whenever you set up a Sun Tube, you’re actually obtaining your self the chance to substantially reduced your electrical payments since even on days where it can be considerably cloudy, what sunlight does exist will likely be captured in a way in order to lighten up even the darkest place inside your residence.

When we glimpse all around and see all the developments that have been made in solar power, it really is incredible the number of of those developments revolve all around harnessing the power in the sun. Even so, we have yet to actually see a predicament whereby an individual homeowner can swiftly, easily, and reasonably inexpensively harness this energy to lower their energy bill whilst at the very same time substantially enhancing the aesthetic quality of their living environment. Acquiring a Sun Tube (preferably more than a single one!) can let just about anyone achieve every thing we just talked about with a lot less cash than many people realize.

You could have heard that a variety of government companies provide tax relief for people who choose to put in a Sun Tube in their residence. This is true, and provides an amazing incentive for anyone that has seriously been considering about doing a little something about beautifying their residence while at the same time lowering their energy costs.

Article Source: sooperarticles.com/home-improvement-articles/sun-tube-skylights-grant-home-owners-low-cost-green-energy-374010.html

About Author:

If you are interested in knowing more about sun tubes, just visit eSolarZone.comAuthor: Abigail Riley