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By Frank Wilmink
Working for yourself in your own business can be extremely rewarding. Here are my best 7 network marketing tips that will guarantee your success in any network marketing company.
Network Marketing, also known as direct sales or MLM, is not about housewives buying or selling Tupperware while gossiping over a cup of coffee and a cream bun, or a high pressure salesperson trying to convince you that vitamins and minerals will make you a millionaire if you could only get your friends and their friends to do the same. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s neither a hobby or a get rich scheme, but an opportunity for you to earn a substantial income running your own part time or full time business. What does it take to succeed in this business?
These network marketing tips will ensure you will succeed in this business.
Here are 7 network marketing tips that I have put together on selecting the perfect MLM, based on the MLM experience of nearly 40 years.
When selecting an opportunity the first tip should be STABILITY. How many years has the company been in business and what growth rate have they experienced?
Are the products or services the type of things consumers will use and need more of? By this I mean will the consumer need the product on an ongoing basis e.g. Monthly?
Pay Plan. How is it structured? Is it fair and generous to all who join in the company? If this is not fair you and your downline ( enrolees ) will find another opportunity and leave. It comes down to how many cents out of each sales dollar that you get paid back each month, and perhaps how fair is the distribution of these cents between the old members and the new members.
The fourth network marketing tip is the integrity of the management and the company. You need to investigate the company as much as possible and determine the experience of the CEO. Their experience and background in the network marketing industry is important to the company’s success and additionally your success. Do they have a good reputation should be a key concern of yours.
Momentum and timing. Look at where the company is at and where the product is situated on the time line. It should be on the climb with plenty of momentum and demand still remaining.
Is the support, training and business systems sound? You may have chosen a great company with excellent management, a great and fair compensation plan that very generous, and plenty of momentum and stability, but if the system doesn’t work with you, all of that doesn’t make it connect.
The last and probably most important network marketing tip that you need to follow is that you need to listen and learn from your mentors or upline. It is in your interest, and your upline’s, to ensure you succeed. Your mentor should be encouraging you to follow in their footsteps and teach your enrolees to learn as you have done.
Additional to the above network marketing tips, there is a new addition to the sound advice that new MLM companies are adding to their training. This is using the internet. This is the new technology that will get you new enrolees without home meetings or one on one presentations.
To learn more about using the net to get your network marketing business moving really fast, I suggest you learn how the gurus have done it.
About the Author: Frank Wilmink is a multi-figure earner and has been involved in the
MLM industry
for many years, earning a full time income from showing people how to earn a residual income. Frank works with his team devoting his time, energy and effort into helping other Network Marketing individuals achieve
their success
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