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Frankincense essential oil has lots of uses
It is generally accepted that frankincense is a member of the family Burseraceae, and the genus Boswellia.
Collection The collecting of frankincense requires that a deep, longitudinal incision is made in the trunk of the tree and below it a narrow strip of bark 5 inches in length is peeled off. As a result of the incision, a milk-like substance, oleo resin, is produced which hardens due to exposure to the air. The incision is then deepened. After about three months the resin hardens into yellowish tears which are harvested by scraping them off the tree. Research According to the BBC: Scientists have observed that there is some agent within frankincense which stops cancer spreading, and which induces cancerous cells to close themselves down. Working with frankincense could revolutionise the treatment of cancer. Currently, with chemotherapy, doctors blast the area around a tumour to kill the cancer, but that also kills healthy cells, and weakens the patient. Treatment with frankincense could eradicate the cancerous cells alone and let the others live. A Virginia Tech scientist says frankincense oil might be useful in treating malignant melanoma an aggressive cancer that attacks humans and equines. Uses Eight to ten drops of frankincense oil in bathwater can also relieve the burning of urinary tract infections. A few drops of frankincense oil sprinkled on a cloth or handkerchief and inhaled frequently can relieve the nasal congestion associated with common colds or allergies Women suffering from heavy periods can apply three to four drops in a carrier oil and massage on the lower abdomen twice a day. Its topical application helps to relieve from rheumatic and arthritic conditions. It is used to treat vaginal infections by using as a douche. It is inhaled to get rid of mucus in bronchial infections. For dental health, it is used as a mouthwash. It is also used to treat gum and throat conditions. It is used to make many anti-wrinkle lotions and creams. It is known to deliver beneficial results in helping combat anxiety, asthma, bronchitis, stress, cough, scars & stretch marks. Today, it is used in a number of ways, including the treating of: Indigestion Anxiety Immune system problems Sleep problems Bronchitis Asthma Emphysema Congestion Laryngitis Syphilis
At http://teachmeaboutseo.com you can learn more about essential oils and their uses.
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Frankincense essential oil has lots of uses