
Australian Parliament hears reply to Budget

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Australian House of Representatives heard the traditional right-of-reply to the Budget released May 9, from the Australian Labor Party, led by Kim Beazley (Labor, Brand), plus Budget replies from minor parties in the Australian Senate.

While the Budget is politically popular, having as one of its main features significant tax reform, Beazley focused on the omissions in the Budget, such as the failure to address a skills shortage.

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Minnesota to require 25% renewable energy production

Saturday, February 24, 2007

This article features in a News Brief from Audio Wikinews:

Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota signed a bill into law on Thursday that requires the state to generate a significant amount of its energy needs from renewable sources.

The amount of power generated by wind turbines in the state stands now at 895 megawatts. An additional 5,000 megawatts of energy from renewable sources will need to be added to Minnesota’s electricity resources, which is roughly eight times more than the amount that currently comes from renewables.

The bill signed by the Governor requires energy companies to provide 25 percent of power from renewable sources by 2025.

Xcel Energy, which supplies approximately half of the electricity in the state, is required to provide 30 percent from renewable sources by 2020.

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Tinnitus Home Therapy (For Ringing In The Ears)}

Submitted by: Dr. John Douillard

Ringing in the ears, or “tinnitus,” affects 1 in 5 adults in the United States(1) and over 250 million people worldwide. While there are many possible causes for this incessant ringing or buzzing in the ear, there are few effective therapies. In this article I share two very simple, yet extremely effective therapies for tinnitus – one of which has been used effectively for thousands of years and the other you most likely already have in your bathroom!

The causes are many and range from: head trauma, loud music or noises, age related hearing loss, stress, infection, or the side effects from over 260 medications such as aspirin and certain antibiotics. Find out below if the drug you may be taking is the cause of your tinnitus! If you are taking one of these drugs, please talk to your doctor about the possibility of switching or stopping the drug.

If you or someone you love suffers from tinnitus don’t miss these time tested and proven home therapies!

What Causes Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is perhaps most commonly caused by damage to both the small bones of the middle ear and hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear. When the ear is traumatized by shock, loud noise, infection, aging or side effects from drugs, the blood supply to the ear is stressed and compromised. This lack of blood supply often causes the production of scar tissue around the small bones of the ear. This affects the vibrational properties of the middle ear, which disturbs and potentially damages the delicate hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear. This sends aberrant impulses to the auditory nerve which can increase unwanted ear sounds, and result in tinnitus.

Allergies can cause an excess build up of mucus in the middle and inner ear, as well as the Eustachian tube, which drains the ear. Excess mucus can breed an infection, which can increase ear pressure in the middle ear, irritate the ossicles (small bones), damage the hair cells of the inner ear and cause tinnitus.

The key to healing this kind of tinnitus is to repair the hair cells of the inner ear and the damage to the middle ear.

How These Therapies Work

When blood flow to the middle and inner ear is increased, it can help reverse the damage that may be causing the ringing in the ears.

One study shows that high frequency vibration therapy shows significant reduction in tinnitus(2). In other words if one could vibrate the ear at a very high frequency it could:

1. Break up any calcification of the middle ear.

2. Increase blood supply to the middle and inner ear to initiate healing of the cochlea, hair cells and small bones of the middle ear.

3. Vibrate out any residual congestive mucus.

4. Break up any impacted cerumen (ear wax) in the outer ear.

Ultrasonic Toothbrush Therapy

Most folks have an electric toothbrush that can be used to vibrate the outer, middle and inner ear. An ultrasonic toothbrush works best, but I have seen any electric toothbrush deliver benefits for tinnitus. With the toothbrush turned on, hold the toothbrush (the opposite side of the bristles!) against the ear to induce a concentrated vibrational effect.

1. Start by closing the flap. Hold the vibrating toothbrush over the ear opening on top of the closed flap.

2. Take the toothbrush and move it around the ear where the skull and ear meet.

3. If you feel any sore areas, stay in that area longer.

4. Do this for 2 minutes per ear, twice per day.

Ayurvedic Tinnitus Therapy

(This works best in conjunction with the Toothbrush Therapy)

Ayurveda suggests a therapy traditionally called Karuna Purana, which places drops of herbalized oil into the ear. Administering oil in the ears uses the same principles as the Ultrasonic Toothbrush Therapy, which are to increase blood supply and break down any scar tissue in and around the ear to help it vibrate in a more youthful manner.

This is best done with properly herbalized Organic Nasya oil,for the ears and nose, at least once per day. This can easily be done in the shower:

1. Fill both ear canals with warm Organic Nasya Oil.

2. Close the flaps and rub both ears vigorously for 1 minute.

3. Gently rub out any sore or painful areas while rubbing and pressing on the flaps.

4. Next, for 1 minute, deeply massage around the ears where the ears meets the skull.

5. Again, if there are any sore areas, rub those out.

6. For 1 more minute, hold the ears with the index finger and thumb and massage every aspect of the ears firmly while rubbing out any soreness.

7. If there is any soreness, dont rub too hard. The soreness will go away in a few days.

Make sure that special attention is given to any sore areas or vectors while massaging. Most people notice improvements in 3-5 days. In some cases it can take a month to break up the scar tissue and increase the blood supply, which will help decrease tinnitus.

This ear oil therapy is also excellent prevention for tinnitus, colds, sinus congestion and allergies.

Isnt a few minutes a day worth clear hearing?

Stop These Medications If You Have Tinnitus

If you are on any of these below medications and experience tinnitus, please consult with your doctor about switching to a non-tinnitus causing drug or to stop the drug, if possible. The following is a list of drugs that have demonstrated tinnitus side effects, as indicated in the 1995 “Physicians Desk Reference” and distributed by the American Tinnitus Association:

Accutane [less than 1%] Mazicon [less than 1%]

Acromycin V Meclomen [greater than 1%]

Actifed with Codiene Cough Syrup Methergine [rare]

Adalat CC [less than 1%] Methotrexate [less common]

Alferon N [one patient] Mexitil [1.9% to 2.4%]

Altace [less than 1%] Midamor [less than or equel to 1%]

Ambien [infrequent] Minipress [less than 1%]

Amicar [occasional] Minizide [rare]


Anatranil [4-5%] Mintezol

Anaprox and Anaprox DS [3-9%] Moduretic

Anestacon [among most common] Mono-Cesac

Ansaid [1-3%] Monopril [0.2-1%]

Aralen Hydrochloride [one Patient] Monopril [0.2-1%]

Arithritis Strength BC Powder Motrin [less than 3%]

Asacol Mustargen [infrequent]

Ascriptin A/D Mykrox [less than 2%]

Ascriptin Nalfon [4.5%]

Asendin [less than 1%] Naprosyn [3-9%]

Asperin [among most frequent] Nebcin

Atretol Neptazane

Atrofen Nescaine

Atrohist Plus Netromycin

Azactam [less than 1%] Neurontin [infrequent]

Azo Gantanol Nicorette

Azo Gantrisin Nipent [less than 3%]

Azulfidine [rare] Nipride

BC Powder Noroxin

Bactrim DS Norpramin

Bactrim I.V. Norvasc [0.1-1%]

Bactrim Omnipaque [less than 0.1%]

Blocadren [less than 1%] Omniscan [less than 1%]

Buprenex [less than 1%] Ornade

BuSpar [frequent] Orthoclone OKT3

Cama Orudis [greater than 1%]

Capastat Sulfate Oruvail [greater than 1%]

Carbocaine Hydrochloride P-A-C Analgesic

Cardene [rare] PBZ

Cardioquin Pamelor

Cardizem [less than 1%] Parnate

” CD [less than 1%] Paxil [infrequent]

” SR [less than 1%] Pedia-Profen [greater than 1% less than 3%]

Cardura [1%] Pediazole

Cartrol [less common] Penetrex [less than 1%]

Cataflam [1-3%] Pepcid [infrequent]

Childrens Advil [less than 3%] Pepto-Bismol

Cibalith-S Periactin

Cinobac [less than 1 in 100] permax [infrequent]

Cipro [less than 1%] Phenergan

Claritin [2% or less] Phrenilin [infrequent]

Clinoril [greater than 1%] Piroxicam [1-3%]

Cognex Plaquenil

Corgard [1-5 of 1000 patients] Platinol

Corzide [ ” ] Plendil [0.5% or greater]

Cuprimine [greater than 1%] Pontocaine Hydrochloride

Cytotec [infrequent] Prilosec [less than 1%]

Dalgan [less than 1%] Primaxin [less than 2%]

Dapsone USP Prinvil [0.3-1%]

Daypro [greater than 1% less than 3%] Prinzide [0.3-1%]

Deconamine Procardia [1% or less]

Demadex ProSam [infrequent]

Depen Titratable Proventil [2%]

Desferal Vials Prozac [infrequent]

Desyrel & Desyrel Dividose [1.4%] Questran

Diamox Quinaglute

Dilacor XR Quinamm

Dipentum [rare] Quinidex

Diprivan [less than 1%] Q-vel Muscle Relaxant Pain Reliever

Disalcid Recombivax HB [less than 1%]

Dolobid [greater than 1% in 100] Relafen [3-9%]

Duranest Rheumatrex Methotrexate [less common]

Dyphenhydramine [Nytol, Benydrl, etc] Rifater

Dyclone Romazicon [less than 1%]

Dasprin Ru-Tuss

Easprin Rythmol

Ecotrin Salflex

Edecrin Sandimmune [2% or less]

Effexor [2%] Sedapap [infrequent]

Elavil Sensorcaine

Eldepryl Septra

Emcyt Sinequan [occasional]

Emla cream Soma Compound

Empirin with Codiene Sporanox [less than 1%]

Endep Stadol [3-9%]

Engerix-B Streptomycin Sulfate

Equagesic Sulfadiazine

Esgic-plus [infrequent Surmontil

Eskalith Talacen [rare]

Ethmozine [less than 2%] Talwin [rare]

Etrafon Tambocor [1% or less than 3%]

Fansidar Tavist and Tavist-D

Feidene [1-3%] Tegretol

Fioricat with Codeine [infrequent] Temaril

Flexeril [less than 1%] Tenex [3% or less]

Floxin [less than 1%] Thera-Besic

Foscavir [1-5%] Thiosulfil Forte

Fungijzone Ticlid [0.5-1%]

Ganite Timolide

Gantanol Timoptic

Gantrisin Tobramycin

Garamycin Tofranil

Glauctabs Tolectin [1-3%]

HIVID [less than 1%] Tonocard [0.4-1.5%]

Halcion [rare] Toprol XL

Hyperstat Toradol [1% or less]

Hytrin [at least 1%] Torecan

Ibuprofen [less than 3%] [Advil, etc.} Trexan

Ilosone Triaminic

Imdur [less than or equal to 5%] Triavil

Indocin [greater than 1%] Trilisate [less than 20%]

Intron A [up to 4%] Trinalin Repetabs

Kerione [less than 2%] Tympagesic Ear Drops

Lariam [among most frequent] Ursinus

Lasix Vancocin HCI [rare]

Legatrin Vantin [less than 1%]

Lncocin [occasional] Vascor [up to 6.52%]

Lioresal Vaseretic [0.5-2%]

lithane Vasotec [0.5-1%]

Lithium Carbonate Vivactil

Lithobid Voltqaren [1-3%]

Lithonate Wellbutrin

Lodine [greater than 1% less than 3%] Xanax [6.6%]

Lopressor Ampuis Xylocaine [among most common]

Lopressor DCT [1 in 100] Zestril ‘0.3-1%]

Lopressor Zestoretic [0.3-1%]

Loreico Ziac

Lotensin HCT [0.3-1%] Zoleft [1.4%]

Ludiomil [rare] Zosyn [less than 1%]

MZM [among most frequent] Zyloprim [less than 1%]

Magnevist [less than 1%]

Marinol (Dronabinol) [less than 1%] Risperdal [rare]

Marcaine Hydrochloride

Marcaine Spinal

Maxaquin [less than 1%]


1. Demeester K, van Wieringen A, Hendrickx JJ, Topsakal V, Fransen E, Van Laer L, De Ridder D, Van Camp G, Van de Heyning P. (2007). Prevalence of tinnitus and audiometric shape. B-ENT. 3 Suppl 7:37-49.

2. Goldstein BA, Lenhardt ML, Shulman A (2005). “Tinnitus improvement with ultra-high-frequency vibration therapy”. Int Tinnitus J. 11 (1): 1422.

About the Author: Dr. John Douillard has been teaching Ayurvedic medicine, natural health, fitness, and nutrition internationally for 22 years. He received his Ayurvedic training in India and holds a Ph.D. in Ayurvedic Medicine from the Open International University. He is the former Director of Player Development for the New Jersey Nets, co-directed an Ayurvedic center for cancer with Deepak Chopra, and has trained over 2000 Western doctors in Ayurveda.

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Egyptian doctor sentenced to fifteen years jail, 1,500 lashes in Saudi Arabia

Friday, November 14, 2008

Raouf Amin el-Araby, a 52-year-old Egyptian doctor who has been serving the Saudi Royal family for 20 years, was convicted of malpractice. Egyptian newspapers reported that he was accused of driving a Saudi princess “to addiction”, reportedly after treating a Saudi princess with painkillers.

Initially sentenced to 7 years and 700 lashes, he has been sentenced to 15 years and 1500 lashes, 70 a week, after making an appeal.

Family members, friends and colleagues gathered in outrage and grief outside the headquarters of Egypt’s doctors union, calling upon King Abdullah to pardon Raouf. “1,500 lashes is unprecedented in the history of Islam,” read one banner carried by protesters. “Who is responsible for the humiliation of our doctors abroad?” read another.

The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) and the foreign minister are working hard to find a way to return Raouf home quickly. Hafez Abu Saeda, the director of EOHR, stated that the princess was prescribed the same medication that she was receiving in the United States, “so it is obvious that the doctor was not at fault for her addiction.”

Abu Saeda was astonished that the judge doubled the sentence and the lashes after the appeal. It is tantamount, he said, to penalizing Amin for asserting his right of appeal. “When you appeal against a sentencing it is the rule that it cannot go higher, but in Saudi Arabia it appears anything is possible,” said Saeda.

Protests in Egypt have driven the Egyptian foreign ministry to seek a solution, partly out of concern that negative repercussions may damage relations between Cairo and Riyadh.

A human rights lawyer said that he was given the first 70 lashes last week and he will get 70 more this week.

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Kosmala’s 2012 Games inclusion highlights Australian Paralympians’ longevity

Friday, June 8, 2012

Libby Kosmala’s selection in the Australian shooting team for the 2012 London Paralympics highlights age is not a barrier in the Paralympics. Celebrating her seventieth birthday in early July, expected to set a record for most appearances at her eleventh Games, Kosmala is likely to be the oldest athlete in attendance.

Her first Games were the 1972 Heidelberg Games competing in swimming and athletics events and winning a bronze medal in the mixed medley relay. Kosmala then switched to shooting and between 1976–1988 won nine gold and three silver medals.

At the 2008 Beijing Games she narrowly missed a medal, coming fourth in the Women’s Air Rifle Standing SH1. In 2011 at the IPC Shooting World Cup, her level of competitiveness was highlighted by finishing fifth in the final of the Women’s 10m Air Rifle Standing SH1. Kosmala is looking forward to the London Games saying: “It’s very exciting. I’m looking forward to it. In over ten Paralympic Games, my greatest success was at Stoke Mandeville in 1984, so I’m looking forward to competing in London again for Australia”.

Kosmala loves beating athletes half her age: “Competition brings out the best in you. I’m old enough to be their grandmother for a lot of the players, but they really are lovely”. Kosmala’s training involves physical training, three shooting sessions per week and mental relaxation training. The London Games will be her swansong but she will still keep shooting. She puts her longevity down to steadiness and a keen eye. Ashley Adams is to join her on the shooting team, attending his fourth Games, as will newcomers Luke Cain, Jason Maroney and Bradley Mark.

Russell Short, a vision-impaired thrower and the Australian Institute of Sport’s first athlete with a disability scholarship, in 1988, has been selected for his seventh Games. Another athlete likely to attend his seventh Games is Kieran Modra, a vision impaired cyclist. Selections for the cycling team are yet to be confirmed.

Two athletes who extended their Paralympic careers by changing sports have been selected; Greg Smith, who previously took part in track and field events, will be competing in wheelchair rugby. This is to be his fifth Games. Liesl Tesch, a former Australian wheelchair basketball player and captain, will be competing in sailing for her sixth Games.

Contrasting Australian Paralympians with their Olympian counterparts, the Australian Olympic Committee recently selected sporting shooters Russell Mark and Michael Diamond for the London Games; this to be their sixth Olympics and equalling the participation records of rower James Tomkins, sailor Colin Beashel, and equestrian Andrew Hoy.

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Shots reported during Superdome evacuation

Thursday, September 1, 2005

Air evacuation of the Superdome was temporarily halted Thursday after shots were reportedly fired at a military helicopter.

Evacuations by bus continue, despite an early news report to the contrary. Thousands of people taking temporary shelter in the Superdome and nearby areas in New Orleans are being evacuated after Mayor Ray Nagin ordered a complete evacuation of the city, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Evacuees will be taken to the Astrodome in Houston, Texas.

Looting has become an increasing concern, as looters and gangs are beginning to rob hotels and hospitals. Some looters have even been able to take guns from abandoned shops. Officials say that they are concerned about the increasing number of people with guns. Police officers stranded on the roof of a hotel reported shots fired at them.

President George W. Bush plans to visit the affected areas on Friday. Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush are expected to lead a private fund-raising campaign for the victims of the hurricane, similar to the campaign after the oceanic earthquake and resulting tsunami in late 2004.

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Finance Specialists

Getting The Best No Doc Mortgages Fast

By Benjamin Robert Ehinger

A Few Things to Know About No Doc Mortgages

When you need to find the right type of mortgage for you it is necessary to learn about no doc mortgages. These are mortgages that are a bit different and will help you by allowing you to not have to worry about proving as much. You have to find the right mortgage and it is possible that the no doc mortgages are for you.

Are you looking for a mortgage and you know proving your income is going to be a problem? There are programs that are designed specifically for those that have trouble proving their full income. They are called no doc mortgages or stated income mortgages. Here are the situations that are perfect for no doc mortgages.

The Reasons to Use No Doc Mortgages


If you are a self-employed individual, then you are exactly the type of person that the no doc programs have been designed for. When these programs first came about, they were used only for self-employed individuals and the requirements were not easy. You had to have perfect credit, but now you just have to have pretty good credit.

Another type of individual that the no doc mortgage is for is the tipped employee. We all know that if you are a bartender or server or you work for tips doing something else, then you know that you don’t claim all of your tips. This makes it hard to prove that you make what you really make and it will make it hard to get a mortgage without using a no doc program.

The last situation that is perfect for a no doc mortgage is the independent contractor. This could be a sales representative or someone working in the construction field. This is the type of person that gets paid by cash, personal check, or money order and does not claim all of their income due to expenses and other reasons. The no doc program is perfect for you.

All of these situations are great for the mortgages that do not require you to prove your income. You also will not have to worry about many of the things that you would have to worry about with a traditional mortgage. You need to get the right mortgage loan for you and you will have to make sure you look into at least a few options before choosing one.

Finding the No Doc Mortgages that Work for you

No doc mortgages are not hard to find and just about every bank and mortgage company has a no doc or stated income program for those that cannot qualify for a normal mortgage. You will have to expect your rate to be a bit higher and you will need to have good credit to qualify, but this might be the best choice for you.

These are not the type of mortgages that are going to fit everybody, but if you fit into the right type of situation you will want to at least know about these types of mortgages. This could be the type of mortgage that helps you to get the house of your dreams or the right one of the no doc mortgages could help you get the refinance you need.

About the Author: The best

No Doc Home Loans

can be found by going to this website:

No Doc Home Loan



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Iranian International Master Dorsa Derakhshani discusses her chess career with Wikinews

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

In February 2017, the Iranian Chess Federation announced two teenage chess players, Dorsa Derakhshani and her younger brother Borna Derakhshani, were banned from representing the national team. The federation announced their decision although Dorsa Derakhshani had previously decided and informed the chess federation she did not wish to play for Iran.

Dorsa Derakhshani is currently 21 years old and holds the International Master (IM) as well as Woman Grand Master (WGM) titles. Her brother, Borna, plays for the English Federation and holds the FIDE Master title.

Dorsa Derakhshani was banned since she did not wear a hijab, an Islamic headscarf, while competing at the Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival in January 2017. Under the laws of Islamic Republic of Iran, hijab is a mandatory dress code. Her brother Borna Deraskhsani was banned for playing against Israeli Grand Master (GM) Alexander Huzman at the same tournament. Iran does not recognise the existence of Israel, and previously, Irani athletes have avoided playing against Israeli athletes.

Mehrdad Pahlavanzadeh, the president of the country’s chess federation, explained the decision to ban the players saying, “As a first step, these two will be denied entry to all tournaments taking place in Iran and in the name of Iran, they will no longer be allowed the opportunity to be present on the national team.” ((fa))Farsi language: ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ?? ????? ? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ????. He further stated, “Unfortunately, something that should not have happened has happened and our national interest is paramount and we have reported this position to the Ministry of Sports.” ((fa))Farsi language: ????????? ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ?????? ??? ? ????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ????? ???? ?? ????? ?????.

IM Dorsa Derakhshani, who currently studies at Saint Louis University in the United States and plays for the United States Chess Federation, discussed her chess career, time in Iran and the 2017 controversy, and her life in Saint Louis with a Wikinews correspondent.

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Class action launched by Australian bushfire survivors against SP AusNet

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The largest class action in Victorian history was commenced at the Supreme Court of Victoria on Friday the 13th by Slidders Lawyers against electricity distribution company SP AusNet and the Brumby Government in relation to the Kilmore East fire that became part of the Kinglake complex.

Because of the lawsuit, SP AusNet SPN.AX’s shares on Monday have dropped more than 13.36 per cent or 14.5 cents, to an intra-day low of 94 cents, was at 98.5 cents at 10:38 a.m. local time, before recovering slightly to be 7.5 cents lower at A$1.01 by 1144 AEDT (0003 GMT) or 6.9 percent in Sydney trading. Shares in SP AusNet closed 3.7 percent lower at A$1.045 on Monday.

Power supplier SP AusNet said it has asked the Victoria Court regarding the status of the class action proceedings saying the firm had insurance policies in place consistent with industry standards. “SP AusNet will continue to update the market as further information becomes available,” the company said.

The claim has focused on alleged negligence by SP AusNet in its management of electricity infrastructure. It maintains most of the power lines in eastern Victoria. Its fallen power line is believed to have sparked the blaze that tore through Kinglake, Steels Creek, Strathewen, Humevale, and St Andrews. The plaintiffs include thousands of angry Kinglake farmers, small business owners, tourist operators and residents who lost homes.

Leo Keane, the lead plaintiff in the class action has alleged “SP AusNet owed a duty of care to landowners to operate and manage power lines in a way that limited the risk of damage from bushfires.”

On Thursday Phoenix Taskforce had taken away a section of power line as well as a power pole from near Kilmore East, part of a two-kilometre section of line in Kilmore East that fell during strong winds and record heat about 11am last Saturday. It was believed to have started the fire there, since within minutes a nearby pine forest was ablaze, and within six hours the bushfire had almost obliterated nearly every building in the towns in its path.

“It is believed that the claim will be made on the basis of negligent management of power lines and infrastructure,” Slidders Lawyers partner Daniel Oldham said. The law firm has announced it was helping landowners and leaseholders get compensation for the 2003, 2006, 2007 and 2009 bushfires. “If you have been burnt by the recent bushfires, please register your interest using the form below as soon as possible,” the law firm’s website stated.

The Insurance Council of Australia has placed the cost of the bushfires at about $500 million. “That means keeping electricity lines clear of trees and in a condition that won’t cause fires. They must also have systems in place to identify and prevent risks occurring,” Melbourne barrister Tim Tobin, QC, said. According to the 2006 census, Kinglake had a population of almost 1,500 people.

But SP AusNet’s legal liability has been limited at $100 million under an agreement inked by the former Kennett government with private utility operators, when the former State Electricity Commission was privatized in 1995. Accordingly, the Brumby Government could be legally obliged to pay damages of the differences amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars.

SP AusNet Ltd said some of its electricity assets have been damaged by the Victoria bushfire. “As a preliminary estimate, it is thought that damage has been sustained to approximately one per cent of SP AusNet’s electricity distribution network, mainly distribution poles, associated conductors and pole top transformers,” SP AusNet said in a statement to the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). It explained that up to 6,000 homes and businesses on its network were without power due to bushfires, including the Kinglake complex fire, Beechworth fire, and fires across Gippsland including Churchill and Bunyip.

SP AusNet said the firm will cooperate fully and will assist in any fire probe. “We stand ready to assist the relevant authorities with their inquiries if it is necessary for us to do so now and in the coming months,” SP Ausnet spokeswoman Louisa Graham said in a statement.

“Our priority is to restore power to fire-affected areas as quickly as possible. We believe the claim is premature and inappropriate … SP AusNet will vigorously defend the claim. If the claim is pursued, SP AusNet advises that it has liability insurance which provides cover for bushfire liability. The company’s bushfire mitigation and vegetation management programmes comply with state regulations and were audited annually by state agencies,” Grahams explained.

Victorian Auditor-General Rob Hulls said “there was an ‘unseemly rush’ by some lawyers to sue before the cause of the fires had been fully investigated.”

“The government body had audited the network’s bushfire risk to make sure required distances between power lines and vegetation were maintained. Power companies had been given a clean bill of health, and electricity firms were judged to be ‘well prepared for the 2008-09 bushfire season.’ There were no regulations applying to the distances between poles supporting electricity lines and spans of one kilometre were not unusual,” a spokesman for Energy Safe Victoria explained.

Christine Nixon, the 19th and current Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police said investigations into the cause of the bushfires were ongoing. “I know people are angry, and so are all of us in this community. But we need to kind of have a sense that the proper processes are in place and we need to go through the investigation and through the court case,” Nixon said. “At this stage we are not able to confirm how it started. I understand there is some legal action that people are taking, but at this stage we’re still investigating its cause. But the whole circumstances of that fire are part of our Taskforce Phoenix, and as we move through that we’ll be able to tell the community more once we’re able to confirm or deny what we think is the cause of these fires,” Nixon added.

On Thursday, two people were arrested in connection with the fires, having been observed by members of the public acting suspiciously in areas between Yea and Seymour; although they were both released without charges laid.

Brendan Sokaluk, age 39, from Churchill in the Gippsland region, was arrested by police at 4pm on Thursday, in relation to the Churchill fires, and was questioned at the Morwell police station. He was charged on Friday with one count each of arson, intentionally lighting a bushfire and possession of child pornography. The arson case relates to 11 of the 21 deaths in the dire Gippsland fire, which devastated 39,000 hectares in the Latrobe Valley, Calignee, Hazelwood Koornalla and Jeeralang. Two teams of Churchill firefighters were almost lost in the inferno that remains out of control.

Mr Sokaluk joined the CFA Churchill brigade in the late 1980s as a volunteer fire fighter, left in the 1990s and attempted to rejoin twice, but was rejected. He failed to appear in Melbourne Magistrate’s Court Monday for a scheduled hearing, since the court reset the committal hearing on May 25. He is represented by lawyer Julian McMahon.

Magistrate John Klestadt has lifted the suppression order which kept the suspect’s identity a secret but identifying photographs were barred from being released. Mr Sokaluk was remanded in protective custody from Morwell to a cell in Melbourne for his own safety amid fears angry prisoners will target him and real risk of vigilante attacks. He faces a maximum sentence of 25 years imprisonment if convicted on the arson charge.

“This is an extraordinary case. The level of emotion and anger and disgust that the alleged offenses have aroused in the community is unprecedented.” Mr Sokaluk’s defense lawyer Helen Spowart argued. The prosecution has moved the Court for more time to prepare its case, saying there would be up to 200 witnesses to interview.

Slater & Gordon has indicated that they were awaiting the report of the to-be-established Royal Commission, expected in late 2010, before initiating any claims.

Armed with a $40 million budget, the Royal Commission’s Chair Justice Bernard Teague will be assisted by former Commonwealth ombudsman Ron McLeod, who led the inquiry into the 2003 Canberra bushfires, and State Services Authority Commissioner Susan Pascoe. The Commission has said its interim report is due on August 17 while the final report will be submitted by July 31, 2010.

Judge Bernard Teague has announced Tuesday he will meet with fire victims and fire authorities within the next two weeks. “We want to do that as soon as possible – probably not next week but starting to have these discussions the week after,” he said.

Julia Eileen Gillard, the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia and deputy leader of the federal Australian Labor Party (ALP) said the federal and Victorian governments would respond quickly to the royal commission’s report. “Everybody who has lived through this experience in Victoria and around the nation has asked the question: ‘Why? What can we do better?’. No one wanted to see the report “as a book on a shelf gathering dust,” she said.

Victoria bushfire experts, led by Forest Fire Victoria – a group of scientists and forestry experts – have condemned the government’s “Living with Fire” policy and the state’s failure to initiate serious fuel-reduction programs. The Victoria government had failed to seriously act on bushfire safety recommendations submitted last June by the Victorian Parliamentary Environment and Natural Resources Committee.

As death toll rises, evidence mounts of lack of planning prior to Australia’s worst bushfire. “Living with Fire” policy means Kinglake fire trucks were dispatched to an earlier fire in Kilmore, leaving Kinglake undefended. “Kinglake was left with no fire brigade and no police. The trucks had been sent to Kilmore. I’ve been in the fire brigade for 10 years. There was always a law—the trucks had to be on the hill. Because of the government we got gutted at Kinglake. They should have been getting generators ahead of the fire—so people would have had a chance of fighting it. As soon as the power went, I couldn’t keep fighting the fire at my place,” Rick and Lauren Watts, and their friend Neil Rao, spoke to the WSWS.

Rick has also criticized the lack of early warning communications systems, since emergency siren warnings in the town had been stopped some years earlier. Humevale resident Sina Imbriano who has six children was angry about the failure of state and federal governments to set up a recommended telephone warning system amid its “stay and defend or go” policy. Bald Spur Road residents Greg Jackson and his wife Fotini said the government’s “stay and defend or go” policy was “fruitless” since the critical issue was early warnings, but “they [the government] just won’t spend the money.”

Also on Friday, five law firms from Victoria’s Western Districts, including Warrnambool-based Maddens Lawyers and Brown & Proudfoot, held a meeting to discuss a potential class action in relation to the Horsham fire, which was also thought to have been started by fallen power pole that burnt vast swathes of land in Mudgegonga and Dederang, Victoria. The lawsuit will also focus on the fire that blackened about 1750 hectares at Coleraine.

Maddens senior attorney Brendan Pendergast said: “We don’t know who the defendant is at this stage. We are unsure who the electrical supplier is for that area but we should know in a few days. There were people who had their homes burnt to the ground and they will need to reconstruct, replace their contents,” he said. Maddens has initiated a register of affected landowners for the recent bushfires, saying the firm has included victims of the Pomborneit fire that burnt almost 1300 hectares in the proposed class action amid the CFA’s statement the blaze could have been deliberately lit.

Frances Esther “Fran” Bailey, Liberal member of the Australian House of Representatives (1990-93 and 1996-present), representing the electorate of McEwen in Victoria said the Country Fire Authority (CFA) had told her one of the power lines had broken before the fire.

“The local CFA [Country Fire Authority] told me on that Saturday, with those very high winds, one of the lines had broken and was whipping against the ground and sparked,” she said. “Whether or not that is the cause of that terrible fire that actually took out Kinglake and maybe Marysville, the investigations will prove that, but we’ve got to do better,” she added.

Victorian Premier John Brumby said the power line claim would be examined as part of the Royal Commission into the bushfire. “No stone will be left unturned. So, I think it’s important the Royal Commission does its work. And, the Royal Commission will, of course, look at all of the factors with the fires,” Mr Brumby said. At least 550 houses were incinerated and 100 people have been killed, leaving more than 1,000 homeless in the Kinglake bushfire and surrounding areas.

SP AusNet – Singapore Power International Pte Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore Power Limited (51% interest in SP AusNet). SP AusNet’s electricity transmission and distribution networks, along with the gas distribution assets, enable it to deliver a full range of energy-related products and services to industrial and domestic customers in Victoria, Australia.

Singapore Power ( ?????????) is a company which provides electricity and gas transmission, distribution services, and market support services to more than a million customers in Singapore. As the only electricity company in Singapore, and also one of its largest corporation, SP was incorporated as a commercial entity in October 1995 to take over the electricity and gas businesses of the state provider, the Public Utilities Board. Since 1995, Temasek Holdings controls the entire company with a 100% stake. SP is involved in a major investment in Australia‘s Alinta in partnership with Babcock & Brown, after putting up a bid of A$13.9 billion (S$17 billion), beating out a rival bid by Macquarie Bank.

The devastating 2009 Victorian Black Saturday bushfires, a series of more than 400 bushfires across Victoria on February 7 2009, is Australia’s worst-ever bushfire disaster, claiming at least 200 deaths, including many young children, and is expected to pass 300. 100 victims have been admitted to hospitals across Victoria with burns, at least 20 in a critical condition, and 9 on life support or in intensive care. The fires have destroyed at least 1,834 homes and damaged many thousands more. Many towns north-east of Melbourne have been badly damaged or almost completely destroyed, including Kinglake, Marysville, Narbethong, Strathewen and Flowerdale. Over 500 people suffered fire-related injuries and more than 7,000 are homeless. It has scorched more than 1,500 square miles (3,900 square kilometers) of farms, forests and towns.

The Supreme Court of Victoria is the superior court for the State of Victoria, Australia. Founded in 1852, it is a superior court of common law and equity, with unlimited jurisdiction within the state. Those courts lying below it include the County Court of Victoria, the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (which is technically not a court, but serves a judicial function). Above it lies the High Court of Australia. This places it around the middle of the Australian court hierarchy.

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Wikinews interviews U.S. Libertarian presidential candidate Wayne Allyn Root

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wikinews held an exclusive interview with Wayne Allyn Root, one of the candidates for the Libertarian Party nomination for the 2008 U.S. presidential election.

Root is the founder and chairman of Winning Edge International Inc., a sports handicapping company based in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition, he is an author and a television producer, as well as an on-screen personality both as host and guest on several talk shows.

Root, a long-time Republican, declared his candidacy for the Libertarian Party on May 4, 2007.

He says he is concerned about the qualities of many who run for president, and fears that they do not know the needs of American citizens. He also says that they cater to big businesses instead of small ones.

He has goals of limiting the federal government and believes that the US went into Iraq for wrong reasons. A strong supporter of the War on Terror, he feels that it was mishandled. He has conservative values and came from a blue collar family in New York. He graduated from Columbia University with fellow presidential hopeful Barack Obama in 1983.

Root believes that America is in trouble and hopes to change that if elected.

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