
54 killed by suicide bomber at Musayyib gas station

Saturday, July 16, 2005

At least 54 people died today when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a gas station near a mosque in Musayyib, about 60 km south of the Iraqi capital. Some 80 people are reported to have been injured.

Witnesses said a fuel tanker was slowly approaching the pumps at the station when the attacker ran towards it and detonated explosives strapped to his body. Police said the resulting huge blast destroyed a nearby apartment complex and damaged the mosque and some small businesses.

The gas station was located near the city-center. Iraqi gas stations normally include a number of small businesses selling tea, soft drinks and snacks where crowds of people often gather.

Mussayib, a religiously mixed town, lies in an area named the “triangle of death”, due to the large number of kidnappings and killings of Shiite Muslims traveling between Baghdad and the Shiite holy cities of Karbala and Najaf.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=54_killed_by_suicide_bomber_at_Musayyib_gas_station&oldid=4580362”
Fitness Equipment

Personal Training: 3 Powerful Ways To Position Yourself As An Expert

Submitted by: Aaron Potts

Regardless of what profession you are in, it is critical that people believe that you know what you are talking about! You won’t find very many successful lawyers whose clients never win in court, or popular doctors whose patients are continually misdiagnosed. This concept obviously applies to personal trainers as well, and making sure you are viewed as an expert in your field is as important as having the knowledge to begin with.

It is helpful to be aware of the simple fact that a person’s perception is their reality, even if that perception is incorrect. Let’s use the example of the doctor in the above paragraph. If you heard through personal references that Dr. John Smith wasn’t a very good doctor, the chances that you would ever go see Dr. Smith are pretty slim. However, do you actually know for a fact that Dr. Smith is a bad doctor? No – you just have the perception that he is a bad doctor because that is what you heard. Do you see how your perception is your reality, and how Dr. Smith is unlikely to be getting any of your business?

Your mission is to make sure that you are always viewed as an expert in your field! Otherwise you will end up like poor Dr. Smith, and your list of clients will be short indeed, as will the life of your business. However, if you have done your job and created the impression that you are an expert in your field, then the opposite will hold true. People will have “heard” that you know what you are talking about, and your reputation and your business will grow as a result. In order to get to this desired end result, three effective ways for you to build your reputation include media exposure, writing books, articles, or success tips for your field, and approaching any given situation from a “position of power”.

Media Exposure

The most common ways to get viewed as an expert using media exposure include news programming on television, magazine and newspaper stories, and radio time. Each of these methods has one thing in common: mass exposure via a publicly accepted system of obtaining information.

Consider this point from your own perspective. If you see an interview on the news, read an article about a company in the newspaper, or hear about a professional organization on the radio, your natural instinct is to believe that the company or organization has a firm grip on the ins and outs of their product or service.

Why do you think that? Is it because the radio program included a long list of professional references for the company? Is it because the magazine article listed a passing grade by a professional review board or other certifying agency qualified to judge the advertised organization?

The answer to those questions is most likely “no”. Why then do you believe in the company’s ability to provide the product or service that is discussed? The answer is simple: because you were exposed to the company via a publicly accepted system of obtaining information. Whether that system was the six o’clock news, your local daily paper, or your favorite magazine, chances are that you believed what you read or heard simply because of WHERE you read or heard it!


Ideally, all consumers – including professionals such as yourself – would use other additional methods to determine the qualifications of a company before purchasing their product or service, but in reality, does that happen very often? No, not really. Most people believe what they read and what they hear, and as a Fitness Professional, you can take advantage of that fact. Granted, you should not profess to be an expert if you aren’t, but assuming that you really do know what you are talking about, use the media to let others know, too!

Writing Books, Articles, and Success Tips

Comparable to the “expert” status that is afforded a company based on their mass media exposure, a similar assumed professional status can be taken on by any company or individual that publishes written works in their field.

Refer back to the power of the mass media that is referenced above, and you will see a very similar effect generated by published works. If someone writes a book, publishes articles, or generates a regular flow of “success tips” in any given field, it is automatically assumed by the reader that the author of the book, article, or success tip knows what they are talking about.

Is it true that the author is an expert in their field just because they know how to write or type? Of course not! However, the mass media phenomenon applies to published written works just as much as it applies to interviews done on the news, in magazines, or on the radio. The author is assumed to be proficient in the field that the book, article, or tip discusses, even though there is rarely indisputable evidence of the writer’s expertise included with the written works.

Again, it is not being suggested that you write books, articles, or success tips unless you really do hold expert status in your field. However, since the “assumptions of excellence” apply as much to the written word as to audio and visual exposure, take advantage of that fact and write as much and as often as you can!

As a side note, writing is also an excellent way for you to enhance your own knowledge in your field. Frequently during the process of writing a book or article, you are called upon to reference the sources of your information, and gathering that type of information expands your own knowledge, as well as your understanding of how to find information for similar projects in the future.

Assuming a “Position of Power”

Utilizing a “position of power” is one of the most effective methods of positioning yourself as an expert in your field. Approaching a situation from a position of power is simply the art of assuming that whoever you are talking to already perceives you to be an expert. Remember that a person’s perception is their reality, so as long as the other person believes that you are an expert, then in their eyes, you are!

For example, let’s use the story of a talented personal trainer who is applying for the position of Director of Fitness Programming at a small but successful local gym. We will call our imaginary professional Joe Trainer, and we will say for the record that Joe does indeed hold an effective track record in the personal training industry. His clients have benefited from his knowledge and guidance, and he has successfully changed many people’s lives in a positive manner. However, Joe Trainer has never been a “Director of Fitness Programming” before. Is he qualified for the job?

Let’s review Joe’s history. He has worked or worked out in dozens of gyms over the years. Joe has utilized all manner of fitness equipment, from paint cans in his garage when he was a teenager, all the way up through the most modern computerized workout machines available in some of today’s fitness facilities. Joe has put together hundreds of different workout programs for hundreds of different people over the years, and we have already determined that his client track record is excellent. Joe has also been called upon many times over the years to recommend fitness equipment purchases to his many clients, including a cost to benefit ratio analysis (in other words, if the equipment is worth the money). Joe has also been exposed to many different lines of nutritional supplements, dietary guidelines, and he has even taken aerobics classes and yoga from time to time.

Has Joe Trainer ever been a “Director of Fitness Programming” before? No. However, is Joe Trainer qualified for that position? Most likely yes! However, now Joe has a dilemma. He has scheduled an interview with the local gym, he really wants the job, but he is nervous about the fact that he has never really been a “Director of Fitness Programming” or a director of anything at all, for that matter. Joe now has 2 choices.

Choice number one is for Joe to go to the interview, ramble on uncontrollably about the hundreds of clients that he has successfully trained, babble about how many different gyms he has been in, and go into mindless detail about why he thinks Supplement A is better than Supplement B.

Do you think Joe will get the job? Let’s try a different approach.

Joe mentally prepares for the interview by reviewing the many different ways that his experience will benefit the facility. He puts together a few examples of how he successfully recommended or used one type of fitness equipment more effectively than a different type. Joe puts together mental notes about how aerobics and group exercise classes have added success to his training programs over the years, and how incorporating a cross training approach has kept his clients motivated and continually seeing results from their training programs.

By this point, Joe’s confidence in his ability to be a “Director of Fitness Programming” has increased, and he honestly believes that it is not him who is being interviewed, but it is he who is interviewing the facility. Joe doesn’t need this job – he has proven his ability to make a living as a personal trainer dozens of times over the years. He is applying for this position because he believes that he can be a great asset to the facility, and he wants to expand his experience in the field. In fact, the facility would be lucky to have him! For that matter, he may already be considering countering the posted pay scale with an increase if they want to hire him. After all, he is Joe Trainer, and his success record speaks for itself!

Now, do you think Joe will get the job? Pretty safe bet.

Is the Joe Trainer in the first example any different than the Joe Trainer using the second approach? No – we’re talking about the same person. What is different then? Joe’s belief in himself – and more importantly – Joe’s ability to show the facility how they would be missing a great opportunity if they didn’t hire him. It is Joe who is interviewing the facility, not the other way around. Joe assumed a “Position of Power” before he even got to his interview. He walked out with a new title and a nice salary, an increased confidence in his own abilities, and the opportunity to mold an entire staff of personal trainer into successful, results-oriented Fitness Professionals!

This same concept can also be applied when negotiating with potential new clients. Remember that you are the fitness professional. You are the one with the knowledge and the experience that the client needs. You are not asking them to be your clients, but rather you are giving them the opportunity to become your clients.


As you can see, as Fitness Professionals in the ever-growing field of health and physical fitness, we have many tools at our disposal when it comes to positioning ourselves as experts. However, we have an equal amount of responsibility to not utilize these tools unless we are 100% confident in our status as experts in our chosen disciplines. Use your knowledge and your tools wisely and appropriately, and you will see your professional and personal success grow beyond your wildest dreams!

About the Author: Aaron Potts is the author and creator of The Ultimate Complete Personal Training Business Kit, a quick-start kit and business guide for new as well as seasoned fitness professionals. Find out more about Aaron’s programs at


or his personal training site at




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Reus to miss Euro 16 due to injury

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Today, Joachim Löw, manager of the German national football team, dropped Borussia Dortmund midfielder Marco Reus from the UEFA Euro 2016 squad. Marco Reus, who turned 27 years old today, is suffering from a groin injury. He also missed the 2014 FIFA World Cup with an ankle injury.

Löw said their medical staff wasn’t sure Reus could meet the demands of the forthcoming games. He added, “Marco has serious fitness problems; he can only run in a straight line at the moment.” ((de))German language: ?Marco hat massive gesundheitliche Probleme, im Moment kann er nur geradeaus laufen.

Löw also did not include other Bundesliga players Karim Bellarabi, Julian Brandt, and Sebastian Rudy from the provisional squad in the final selection. Thanking the four German internationals for their performance in training, he said, “It’s not a decision against those four players, but rather one in favour of the other 23.” ((de))German language: ?Es ist keine Entscheidung gegen vier Spieler, sondern eine Entscheidung für 23 Spieler.

Germany are due to play their final friendly match before the start of Euro 2016 on June 4 against Hungary. On June 12, Germany will open their account in Euro 2016 when they face Ukraine in Lille, France.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Reus_to_miss_Euro_16_due_to_injury&oldid=4547225”

Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with NDP candidate Paul Johnstone, Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A resident of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound his whole life, Correctional Services officer Paul Johnstone is running for the Ontario New Democratic Party in the Ontario provincial election. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Ontario_Votes_2007:_Interview_with_NDP_candidate_Paul_Johnstone,_Bruce-Grey-Owen_Sound&oldid=498389”

Commonwealth Bank of Australia CEO apologies for financial planning scandal

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Ian Narev, the CEO of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, this morning “unreservedly” apologised to clients who lost money in a scandal involving the bank’s financial planning services arm.

Last week, a Senate enquiry found financial advisers from the Commonwealth Bank had made high-risk investments of clients’ money without the clients’ permission, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars lost. The Senate enquiry called for a Royal Commission into the bank, and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

Mr Narev stated the bank’s performance in providing financial advice was “unacceptable”, and the bank was launching a scheme to compensate clients who lost money due to the planners’ actions.

In a statement Mr Narev said, “Poor advice provided by some of our advisers between 2003 and 2012 caused financial loss and distress and I am truly sorry for that. […] There have been changes in management, structure and culture. We have also invested in new systems, implemented new processes, enhanced adviser supervision and improved training.”

An investigation by Fairfax Media instigated the Senate inquiry into the Commonwealth Bank’s financial planning division and ASIC.

Whistleblower Jeff Morris, who reported the misconduct of the bank to ASIC six years ago, said in an article for The Sydney Morning Herald that neither the bank nor ASIC should be in control of the compensation program.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Commonwealth_Bank_of_Australia_CEO_apologies_for_financial_planning_scandal&oldid=3869292”

Outsourcing Checklist For Businesses

Outsourcing checklist for business is a modern day boon as being the cost efficient business operation. Outsourcing checklist for businesses allows business people to be free from extra responsibilities by allotting the work to a group of people or an individual who can do justice with the procedure and focus over the core of business. While on the other hand, the firm to which work has been outsourced can concentrate over the specific work assigned to them. This is one of the leading advantages of outsourcing checklist for businesses.

Almost everyone knows that IT (information Technology) services or human resources is expensive and can greatly affect the method the businesses hire supplementary work force during the expansion of business. Outsourcing checklist for businesses gives an alternative in availing highly productive manpower in very less rates. For instance, the offshore outsourcing (allotting work to the off shore locations like Philippines and India) is famous among the U.S. business people since the working rate is very inexpensive.

It is unusual for American to earn $300-$500 every month, at a middle level, but for Filipinos and Indians, they will be more than content with this much amount considering the rate of currency conversion. Thus, it is an absolute win-win solution both for the company to which you are outsourcing and simultaneously for your business.


Another convincing plus point of outsourcing checklist for businesses is amassing substantial sums of money, when it comes to the development of various aspects of the business (like the IT development). As outsourcing checklist for businesses, include decreased expenditure, you will be capable of maximizing the value of money to get the information technology sector developed in the most powerful and latest urban information tool.

What’s more, you will be able to evade employing novel personnel thereby dropping the training as well as recruiting cost for your company or business. Procurement of essential technology will be perfectly taken by the outsourcing corporation, thus banking the money, which can be utilized for various other significant business aspects.

There are various other advantages of outsourcing checklist for businesses, yet the abovementioned benefits are the highly noted ones. Always keep in mind to not to be misled via the gossips and rumors about outsourcing checklist for businesses. Being the owner of the business, you can make out what is in favor of your business.

Outsourcing plays a crucial role in the success of a business but prior to taking the decision for outsourcing, ensuring that it is for correct reasons as well as will accomplish your objective is of utmost importance. Essentially, companies have one aspect to consider when outsourcing checklist for businesses-cost savings. There are various other intangible issues, which the companies need to consider like will it affects the company’s staff, or will it give the company ample opportunities to innovate.

Outsourcing checklist for businesses comes as an ideal option to ease off some workload and get the job done in completely a professional and skilled manner, that too without spending much money. You can take your business to an advanced level.

Article Source: sooperarticles.com/business-articles/outsourcing-articles/outsourcing-checklist-businesses-31850.html

About Author:

David Nikolic is the owner of United Virtual Office which provides Virtual Office Services to business owners making a prestigious address affordable with all conveniences of a traditional office.Author: David Nikolic


Arsonist behind Namdaemun gate fire in Seoul imprisoned for 10 years

Friday, April 25, 2008

The arsonist responsible for setting fire to the historic Sungnyemun gate (more commonly referred to as Namdaemun gate) in Seoul, South Korea in February has been sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment. The 600-year-old landmark was considred one of the nation’s greatest and most iconic, with some sources describing it as the single most important one in the country.

The 69-year-old male defendant has a previous conviction from two years ago for attempting to torch the Changgyeong palace, for which he received a suspended prison sentence and was fined. It is understood he destroyed the Namdaemun gate and attacked the palace over an unconnected land ownership dispute which had angered him. He felt that the compulsory purchase of his home a decade ago had been inadequatly compensated for by the state.

After the fire, residents left flowers at the scene and wrote grieving notes.

Chae Jong-Gi, who admitted the crime, was told of the seriousness of the offence in a statement by the Seoul district court. “A heavy sentence is inevitable as the accused inflicted unbearable agony on the people and damaged national pride… (The monument was) the treasure among all treasures which had survived all kinds of historic disasters. Even if restored, the gate’s originality will never return. Therefore, the nature and consequences of this crime are very serious,” said the statement.

The man is thought to have selected the gate as a target due to lax security measures. In the fire’s aftermath, officials have been criticised over this and concerns that firefighting efforts were ineffective, and the Cultural Heritage Administration‘s chief resigned to show he accepted responsibility for the blaze.

The two storey gate in pagoda style was constructed in 1398 and despite a 1447 rebuild and multiple renovations still contained original timbers prior to the destruction in the fire. Only the stone base survived.

According to the Cultural Heritage Administration, a reconstruction effort will take two to three years and cost 20 billion won (US$21 million).

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Arsonist_behind_Namdaemun_gate_fire_in_Seoul_imprisoned_for_10_years&oldid=2470882”

Denunciations of Scandals Threaten UN

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Denunciations of corruption, bribe, collection of bribes from refugees [1] and of sexual scandal involving the peacekeepers [2], [3] threaten the Organization of the United Nations (UN).

The gravest denunciations involve the aid project to Iraq, called Oil-for-Food. Grave denunciations of bribe exist, superfluous accounting and collaboration with the ex-dictator Saddam Hussein, against staff of the UN, companies and politicians of several countries. Even the secretary of the UN, Kofi Annan was suspicious of participation in the plan of corruption. And also grave doubts still hover about his son, Kojo Annan.

The gravity of the denunciations threatens not only the credibility of the UN, but its existence.

Secretary Kofi Annan said that he is going to promote reforms in the organization. [4]

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Denunciations_of_Scandals_Threaten_UN&oldid=4540035”
Forex Broker

Understanding The Drawdown In Automated Forex Trading Systems

Submitted by: Winsor AGA Hoang

Michael Jordan was one of the best basketball players in the world. So what do Michael Jordan and automated Forex trading have in common? It is known in sports terminology as a cold streak or slump. Michael Jordan has missed more than 9000 shots in his career. He and his team have lost almost 300 games, and he failed to make the final game winning shot more than 25 times in his career. Does this make him a poor basketball player because he has failed over and over again during his career?

An athlete will go through a losing streak, and every trader will go through a similar losing streak, a period of consecutive losses with no profitable trades. In trading, this term is defined as drawdown, and it can be defined as a percentage or a number. Regardless of whether you are trading manually or using any automated Forex trading systems, you will experience a period of consecutive losses. It does not matter if you are Michael Jordan of the basketball world or the Warren Buffett of the investment world, everyone will face losses during their career or investment period. Losses are inevitable, and as investors/traders, we cannot avoid them. Trading involves both risk and reward; hence, it is impossible to obtain any type of reward without involving some risk.


An automated Forex trading system cannot avoid a losing streak; however, it is with proper money management that it can minimize the losses during the cold streak. For example, if an automated Forex trading system has a maximum drawdown of $3,000 using a 0.1 standard trading lot, it is not advisable to start trading with this system using $5,000 as starting capital. If you are unlucky and a drawdown immediately starts right after you have turned on your automated Forex trading system, you will see your trading account going from $5,000, to $4,000, to $3,000, to $2,500 and then to $2,000. In this example, you just experienced a losing streak of $3,000, or a 60% drawdown.

Before using any particular trading systems, you want to know what is the largest loss you can face when an automated Forex trading system starts incurring losses due to changes in the volatile Forex market. You must understand that this is a temporary worsening condition of a trading system. This period is the trading risk, and it will pass. With this risky period, a good trading system will recover and provide you with ample rewards (a.k.a. profits). Depending on your level of risk tolerance, a 60% drawdown is quite extreme in one s trading account. If you know that the drawdown is $3,000, you may want to start trading with $10,000 instead of $5,000. During a losing streak of $3,000, you will only experience a drawdown of 30%, which is a lot more tolerable.

Be a good investor scout and always prepare for the largest losing streak during your investment period. A drawdown period can be as long as three months; hence, don t jump from one system to another system looking for the Holy Grail. If you have found a profitable trading system, stick with it during its three months drawdown period and you will be handsomely rewarded for your patience. Alternatively, follow a profitable automated Forex trading system and wait until it starts losing and then jump in. Just like Michael Jordan of basketball, after missing three baskets, he will likely score on the fourth basket, so don t give up on him too early.

About the Author: Winsor A.G.A. Hoang is a registered Professional Engineer and the founder of


. He has developed five

automated Forex trading robots

for managed forex trading. His automated software is internationally ranked with live trading results published every 30 minutes. Visitors can use the published trading results as free Forex trading signals



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Dr. Joseph Merlino on sexuality, insanity, Freud, fetishes and apathy

Friday, October 5, 2007

You may not know Joseph Merlino, but he knows about you and what makes you function. He knows what turns you on and he knows whether it is a problem for you. Merlino, who is the psychiatry adviser to the New York Daily News, is one of the more accomplished psychiatrists in his field and he is the Senior Editor of the forthcoming book, Freud at 150: 21st Century Essays on a Man of Genius. The battle over interpreting Freud’s legacy still rages, a testament to the father of psychoanalysis and his continuing impact today.

On the eve of the book’s publication, Wikinews reporter David Shankbone went to the Upper East Side of Manhattan to discuss the past and future of Freud and psychoanalysis with Dr. Merlino, one of the preeminent modern psychoanalysts. Shankbone took the opportunity to ask about what insanity is, discuss aberrant urges, reflect upon sadomasochism (“I’m not considered an expert in that field,” laughed Dr. Merlino), and the hegemony of heterosexuality.

Dr. Merlino posits that absent structural, biochemical or physiological defects, insanity and pathology are relative and in flux with the changing culture of which you are a part. So it is possible to be sane and insane all in one day if, for instance, you are gay and fly from the United Kingdom to Saudi Arabia.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Dr._Joseph_Merlino_on_sexuality,_insanity,_Freud,_fetishes_and_apathy&oldid=2004061”