
British man fully “recovers” from HIV

Sunday, November 13, 2005

A 25 year old British man has been reported to have made a full recovery from the HIV virus . Andrew Stimpson did not take any drug treatments after being diagnosed with the virus in August 2002 and was found HIV negative in October 2003.

Stimpson’s two HIV tests were performed by the Chelsea and Westminster Healthcare NHS Trust. It has been reported that the hospital is standing by the validity of the two tests that have so far been performed. The hospital would like to perform additional tests that might reveal an explanation for the two contradictory test results. Tests used for diagnosis of HIV infection can produce false positive results. When this happens, additional testing is required in order to determine if there ever was an actual infection. Some news reports suggest that Stimpson may have had contact with someone known to be HIV-positive and that multiple HIV tests performed by a clinic all gave positive results for Stimpson before he was first tested by the Chelsea and Westminster hospital. However, Michael Hopkin of the British journal Nature, has reported that while Stimpson tested positive for antibodies to HIV in 2002, “tests done during more than two dozen visits in 2003 and 2004 proved negative for the antibodies”. This suggests that either HIV infection took an unusual course in Stimpson or the original test results indicating infection were a false positive.

Many similar cases have been reported in Africa, where the virus is widespread. Due to poor medical facilities all of these reports have been largely anecdotal—Mr Stimpson represents the first well documented case. However, until additional tests are performed it is impossible to know if the second test was a false negative. Dr. Andrew Grulich, who has a PhD in epidemiology and works at the National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research at the University of New South Wales has expressed doubt that Stimpson was cured of an HIV infection. In some infected patients, HIV levels can fall to undetectably low levels until their immune system is defeated and virus levels begin to rise.

This discovery may offer a promising new window into how the virus works and furthers hopes that one day a vaccine and/or cure will be found for the disease that is carried by around 35 million people worldwide.

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Canada increases oil production to assist U.S.

Monday, September 5, 2005

The Alberta Energy and Utilities Board of Alberta, Canada, will increase oil output by between 18,000 and 30,000 barrels a day to help the U.S. in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. This is being done by temporarily suspending limits on oil production. The increase was requested by Alberta’s Premier, Ralph Klein.

The comparatively small size of the increase has led industry analyst Peter Linder to call the increase “more of a token gesture” and a “drop in the bucket” by comparison to normal production levels.

The increase in production levels is temporary, but no date has been set for when the output levels might again be capped. Analysts say that 10% of the U.S. Gulf States‘ oil production was affected by the hurricane.

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Financial Solutions

What Makes The Best Mobile Credit Card Processing Service?

byAlma Abell

As a business owner, you have so many choices to make. Choosing the best mobile credit card processing service should be near the top of the list of things to decide. The world is now mobile. Everyone is moving from place to place and you must be where the business is or you will miss out. Using your smart phone to accept payments is one of the ways that you can keep up with the competition but you need to be sure that you are choosing the best mobile credit card processing service to ensure that you get what you need from the service.

Look for This

There are 3 things that you absolutely must have in a processing service to ensure that everything goes smoothly and your transactions are processed quickly:

  1. Highly functional equipment
  2. Equipment that is easy to use
  3. Experienced processing services

The Equipment

The right service will provide you with the equipment you need to quickly and easily take a payment. It must be durable, reliable and highly functional but you also need it to be easy to use. Consumers are impatient, they do not like to have to stand around and wait while a service provider tries to figure out their mobile reader. Durable, easy to use equipment makes for an easy transaction.

Experienced Processing

So many things can occur once you take the payment that can hold up the release of funds, which means that you are sitting on money you cannot touch. Experienced processing services move the process along quickly at a fair fee so you do not have to wait or worry.

Peace of mind is an important factor in choosing your credit card processing service. You have other things to worry about, processing should not be one of them. American Merchant for peace of mind!


Billy West, voice of Ren and Stimpy, Futurama, on the rough start that shaped his life

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ren and Stimpy. Bugs Bunny. Philip J. Fry and Professor Hubert Farnsworth on Futurama. Sparx. Bi-Polar Bear. Popeye the Sailor Man. Woody Woodpecker. You may not think you have ever heard Billy West, but chances are on a television program, a movie, a commercial, or as Howard Stern’s voice guru in the 1990’s, you have heard him. West’s talent for creating personalities by twisting his voice has made him one of a handful of voice actors—Hank Azaria and the late Mel Blanc come to mind—who have achieved celebrity for their talent. Indeed, West is one of the few voice actors who can impersonate Blanc in his prime, including characterizations of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd and other characters from Warner Bros. cartoons.

What is the fulcrum in Mr. West’s life that led him to realize a talent to shape personalities with his voice, and how did the discovery of that gift shape him? Wikinews reporter David Shankbone found that like many great comedians, West faced more sour early in life than he did sweet. The sour came from a physically and emotionally abusive alcoholic father (“I could tell you the kind of night I was going to have from the sound of the key in the door or the way the car pulled up.”), to his own problems with drug and alcohol use (“There is a point that you can reach in your life where you don’t want to live, but you haven’t made the decision to die.”).

I’m telling you stuff that I never said to anybody…

If sin, suffering and redemption feel like the stages of an endless cycle of American existence, West’s own redemption from his brutalized childhood is what helped shape his gift. He performed little bits to cheer up his cowed mother, ravaged by the fact she could not stop her husband’s abuse of young West. “I was the whipping boy and she would just be reduced to tears a lot of times, and I would come in and say stuff, and I would put out little bits just to pull her out of it.”

But West has also enjoyed the sweet. His career blossomed as his talent for creating entire histories behind fictional characters and creatures simply by exploring nuance in his voice landed him at the top of his craft. You may never again be able to forget that behind the voice of your favorite character, there is often an extraordinary life.

Below is David Shankbone’s interview with renowned voice actor Billy West, who for the first time publicly talks about the horrors he faced in his childhood; his misguided search for answers in anger, drugs and alcohol; and the peace he has achieved as one of America’s most recognizable voice actors.

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Neil Entwistle, suspect in murder of wife and child, arrested in England

Thursday, February 9, 2006

Neil Entwistle was named as a “person of interest” by authorities for the murder of his wife Rachel and nine-month-old baby daughter Lillian in their Hopkinton, Massachusetts home. Both were shot to death and found under a pile of blankets in the bedroom. The family had just moved into the home and had only been living there for ten days. Entwistle has not been in the United States since the murders.

However; it has been confirmed that Entwistle was arrested in England on two counts of murder, and one count of illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition on Thursday. Until today he has not been a suspect.

“Entwistle was arrested by British authorities and faces murder charges,” said Emily LaGrassa, spokeswoman for the Middlesex District Attorney’s office. “He is in police custody in England at this time.” Entwistle was arrested at around noon (7 a.m. ET).

A statement was released by the family of Rachel Entwistle saying, “The family is deeply saddened at the arrest of Neil Entwistle for the murders of Rachel and Lillian. We are heartbroken at the loss – to understand how this happened.”

District Attorney Martha Coakley, of Middlesex County, MA, said that Entwisle could have been planning a murder-suicide, but abandoned the suicide part of the plot after carrying out the murders.

“On Thursday night, (January 19) Rachel was alive and had spoken with family members,” said Coakley. She also says that authorities believe, “at some time on Friday morning, Neil Entwistle, with a firearm that we believe he had secured some time before that from his father-in-law Joseph Materazzo, shot Rachel Entwistle in the head and then proceeded to shoot baby Lillian, who was lying on the bed next to her mother. We believe possibly that this was intended to be a murder suicide, but we cannot confirm that. The murder was effected, the suicide was not. Forensic evidence linked the gun to Mr. Entwistle and his wife, but she had never used it (the gun). What we believe happened next was that Neil Entwistle returned the gun to his father-in-law’s home, that he then made preparations to leave the country.”

She also stated that Entwistle was observed leaving Boston’s Logan International Airport on a flight to England. He had purchased the ticket on the phone.

“He was then in Worksop with his parents. Authorities went to the UK to pursue that investigation. They returned, the investigation pursued. We explored motive, with witnesses, with information from searches, internet capabilities,” Coakley added. “Based upon that information and forensic information late Tuesday afternoon that linked the 22 handgun owned by Joseph Materazzo both to Neil Entwistle and to Rachel, we believed we had probable cause to seek an arrest warrant for Neil Entwistle’s arrest.”

Framingham District Court issued the warrant for his arrest last night.

Entwistle has been at his parents home in England since last month and reportedly refused to cooperate with Massachusetts investigators when they arrived in England to question him about the deaths.

So far, Entwistle has not spoken in public nor did he attend the funerals of his wife and child.

When appearing before the Bow Street Magistrates’ Court Entwistle said that he will not voluntarily consent extradition to the U.S. “at this stage.”

District judge Timothy Workman said during the hearing, “I am remanding you in custody at this stage. I am not granting you bail because at this moment I don’t have sufficient information to make that decision.”

When Entwistle was asked if he understood the charges that had been filed against him, he said, “I do.”

Court was adjourned until Friday.

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Workplace Policy

Key Features Of Hrms Software

HRMS software is one of the best tools which help business owners to administer their work force in the most efficient manner. However, the market is flooded with plenty of such software and hence it may be quite difficult to choose the best HRMS software.Following are some key features of any good HRMS software and keeping them in mind will help to select the best software possible. In this context, it is always better to ask for the HRMS software demo so that you get a fair idea of what facilities will be provided by the software.Maintaining Employee DatabaseThe essence of all HRMS software is the feature of maintaining the organization’s employee database. Whatever methods or tools used by the software, it has to maintain a record of all employee details in an organized manner. This information must be easy to access and possible to be updated later.Keeping a Track of Employee PerformanceMonitoring the work pattern of your employee is the biggest advantage provided by HRMS software India. It helps to keep track of employee punctuality and maintain their attendance record. The employee work pattern is related to their productivity which in turn determines the success of your organization. If you know the career graph of each employee you will know whether your organization is headed in the right direction or not. Through this software, you can compare the employee performance and stack rank them based on the information obtained. Information regarding employees who need additional motivation can be obtained and the necessary steps undertaken by the organization.RecruitmentsRecruitment is an ongoing process in every organization and this is best done through the HRMS software. The hiring process is hugely simplified by the use of this software as keeping track and maintaining records of new candidates in an organized manner becomes very easy.Payroll Management Managing payrolls is a task that has to be undertaken by every organization irrespective of the size. This software becomes highly useful in large corporations where large volumes of payroll data have to be processed. The HRMS software calculates the exact amount of salaries that have to be shelled out to the employees and ascertains the provident fund and tax deductions without the need for any manual calculations. The working of the software in this regard can be understood well when one views the HRMS software demo.Comprehensive Reporting & Scheduling The HRMS software India provides detailed reports with respect to any employee related information. It can create tailor made reports based on the needs of every organization besides having a library of the regular, standard reports on employee performance, attendance, turnover etc. The software has scheduling capabilities too which enables the organization to schedule employee meetings, shifts etc.


Wikinews’ overview of the year 2007

Monday, December 31, 2007

What would you tell your grandchildren about 2007 if they asked you about it in, let’s say, 20 year’s time? If the answer to a quiz question was 2007, what would the question be? The year that you first signed on to Facebook? The year Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse fell apart? The year author Kurt Vonnegut or mime Marcel Marceau died, both at 84?

Let’s take a look at some of the international stories of 2007. Links to the original Wikinews articles are in bold.

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Kitchen Home Improvement

How To Help Kids With Hemorrhoids

Submitted by: Jeff Donaven

Hemorrhoid treatment in children is usually more difficult. Unlike adults, children don t know their condition and how to go about it. Getting them to participate in the treatment is the key to their recovery. So, you have to talk to your child and let them understand as much as possible. Communication between you and your child is very important.

Hemorrhoid in Children: Diet Issues

Most children hate eating fruits and vegetables (You are lucky if you ve a got a child who likes eating them). They are fond of sweets and meat, which can t help them if they have hemorrhoids. However, it can be very difficult to drastically switch his or diet. Therefore, you should strategize and one way to do that is gradual conditioning.

Inform your child that he needs to eat fruits and vegetables to lessen the pain and swelling inside and his discomfort. Educate him on proper nutrition and make him understand what nutrients are most suitable for his condition. And then, introduce the foods that are rich in those nutrients. Slowly incorporate these foods in his meals.


In the same way, talk about water and its benefits to the body. Tell him that water lessens the bleeding and makes him easier to release his stool. That means less pain and shorter time on the toilet. Talk about how water cleanses the body and makes him more energetic and powerful. Make him count the number of glasses of water that he takes daily.

Hemorrhoid in Children: Lifestyle Issues

For children, hemorrhoid cushions are highly-recommended, most especially if he has to sit long in the classroom. Talk to his teacher about his condition and the possibility of lessening activities that put pressure on the buttocks or the rectal area. But it need not be activities that will alienate him from the class or make him feel different.

Teach your child the benefits of exercise. Exercise together before going to bed and after waking up in the morning. Make these moments fun as possible. Make him feel that he is doing something good for himself and for everyone.

Encourage him to be active by informing him that it is not good for him to be lazy or indolent. Make him participate in household chores ones that he is able to perform like sweeping the floor or dusting the furniture.

Get him to play a lot during his free time. Discourage TV and computer time, if not shorten the time he spends in these activities. Make him move because it is the fastest way by which he can make the blood flow vigorously in his system and distribute the necessary nutrients for his healing.

Hemorrhoid in Children: Showing that You Care

There are a lot of opportunities when we can show our love to our children and one of those times is when they get sick. Hemorrhoid is pretty painful and the most special cure to that is the love of parents and other important.

Make him feel that he is loved and that you are not leaving him alone.

About the Author: For any other inquiries regarding hemorrhoids please visit








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Westboro Baptist Church ordered to pay US$11 million to family of fallen US soldier

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Westboro Baptist Church has lost a lawsuit and has been ordered by United States District Court: District of Maryland to pay US$11 million to the family of Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, a fallen soldier, who was killed while serving in Iraq.

The lawsuit was filed by Snyder’s father, Albert, after the church held a protest across the street from the cemetery where funeral services were being held. The church was sued for, “defamation of character, invasion of privacy–intrusion upon seclusion, invasion of privacy–publicity given to private life, intentional infliction of emotional distress and civil conspiracy,” according to court documents obtained by Wikinews.

Wikinews has also learned that the church filed a motion for a mistrial on October 29, but was ultimately denied.

The jury ordered that $2.9 million be awarded to the Snyder family for compensatory damages and $8 million in punitive damages, but reports say that the church cannot afford that amount, with their assets worth under $1 million. The defendants plan to appeal the judgment and have expressed confidence they can get it overturned.

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20,000 Californian state workers may lose their jobs

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

On Tuesday, the US state of California announced it is ready to notify approximately twenty thousand state workers that they are being laid off. The announcement was made by a spokesman for California’s governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The cuts would begin at the start of the fiscal year on July 1.

This comes after California lawmakers voted down a budget worth US$40 billion last weekend.

“In the absence of a budget, the governor has a responsibility to realise state savings any way he can,” said Aaron McLear, Schwarzenegger’s spokesman. “This is unfortunately a necessary decision.”

The state is also planning to put all remaining public work projects on hold, which could cost thousands of construction workers their jobs.

California has the world’s eighth largest economy. It has suffered from unemployment and the housing crisis, with Schwarzenegger declaring a fiscal emergency last December.

“We are dealing with a catastrophe of unbelievable proportions,” said Alan Lowenthal, a Democratic state senator from Long Beach.

The budget plan consisted of $11.4 billion in borrowing, $14.4 billion for temporary increases in taxes, and $15.1 billion dedicated for program cuts. The package initially appeared to have enough support to reach the two-thirds majority needed to make the bill a law, but fell short by a single vote. The Assembly was at one point in session for thirty hours, breaking the record for the longest legislative session in the history of the state.

Many Republican lawmakers say they disagree with the tax increases that are included as part of the budget package.

Should the California senate have approved the budget plan?
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“People don’t realize where California is at — people are losing homes, people are losing jobs,” said Republican state senator Abel Maldonado.

“You’re not going to go back to the people’s pocketbooks to fuel that spending,” added Republican state senator Dennis Hollingsworth from Temecula.

Senate leader Darrell Steinberg wants another session on Tuesday, saying that he would put up the tax provisions of the budget proposal for a vote. “Bring a toothbrush, bring any necessities you want to bring, because I will not allow anyone to go home to resume their lives […] as long as we know […] that 20,000 people will be laid off,” he warned.

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