
Study tests the use of Google as an aid for medical diagnoses

Friday, November 10, 2006

In an internet-based study published today on the website of the British Medical Journal, Australian investigators tested how well Googling could help to establish a difficult diagnosis. The search results met against their criteria in 15 out of 26 cases.

Previous anecdotes of the use of Google in reaching a difficult diagnosis are presented in the paper. In a case described in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), a physician diagnosed IPEX syndrome after submitting the typical diagnostic clues to the search engine. A patient’s father replied to doctor’s saying that his son had acute subclavian vein thrombosis of unknown origin: “But of course hehas Paget-von Schrötter syndrome.”

Hangwi Tang and Jennifer Hwee Kwoon Ng from the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane selected clinical cases from the NEJM blind to the correct diagnosis. They selected 3 to 5 rather specific features, searched Google, and selected the 3 disorders from the results that seemed to fit the case best. If one of those was right, Google was said to be “right”.

The scientists admit that an internet search probably works better with specific symptoms rather than with phrases such as “fever ill pain”. Also, the percentage may depend on the operating physician’s knowledge base, and the test was not double-blind.

Experts commented that the internet is not a replacement for doctors, but should be seen as a way of supporting doctors and patients. A spokeswoman for the Patient Association added that “a lot of sites are not credible. There are lots of good sites out there, but we also know that there are many that are not credible.”

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Study_tests_the_use_of_Google_as_an_aid_for_medical_diagnoses&oldid=405754”

Canada’s Don Valley West (Ward 25) city council candidates speak

Friday, November 3, 2006

On November 13, Torontonians will be heading to the polls to vote for their ward’s councillor and for mayor. Among Toronto’s ridings is Don Valley West (Ward 25). Three candidates responded to Wikinews’ requests for an interview. This ward’s candidates include John Blair, Robertson Boyle, Tony Dickins, Cliff Jenkins (incumbent), and Peter Kapsalis.

For more information on the election, read Toronto municipal election, 2006.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Canada%27s_Don_Valley_West_(Ward_25)_city_council_candidates_speak&oldid=435105”
Real Estate

6 Facilities That Attract The Renters To Your Property

You become the successful landlord when you understand that need of the renters and make your property ready accordingly. Are you ever comfortable in a place where no facility is on the table? Surely, it will be a big no, and this is applicable for all. So when you make the investment in the rental property and also want to earn more from it, then this is highly needed that you add the flavor of those things perfectly. You want to know more details about the same, then this is the article for you. Read it and take the right call.

1. Location

If the area is not good, then you find that you are not able to get the rent compared to the place that is much smaller. All this is because of the location. If the property is not located perfectly, then you will never get the right responses from the renters to be part of the same. When the demand will be less, then obviously, you will not get that much rent that you are opting for. Now you can understand how this thing makes a difference. So when you are really opting for something that will give you the right recognition of your property and earn more, then you need to purchase it in a location that will be a preferred place for the office goers and more. Also, you should remember that when you do the marketing of your property, you do the highlight about the same, so the right recognition from the market you will receive.

2. Perfectly Maintained

Renters love to be part of the property that is new in appearance. If you just purchase but this has not the approach that this is new, then surely it will not get the right responses from the market. So, it will be highly needed that you should make it maintained. If you are not able to do the renovation and more as per the property needs, then you should hire the best from residential property management companies in Maryland that will take care of all those things. When you are able to make it as new and the appearance is just awesome, then don’t waste your time to think much. It will give you the best rent for sure.


3. The Perfect Place

The renters will give preference to the place where it can be possible that the area is small but the open floor and many things make it appeared bigger. Just think about the open kitchen and how it makes the approach of your home outstanding. Obviously, it attracts many people and it helps you to have the proper rent.

4. Parking

Another best way to get more rents will be just offering ample parking. If the tenants are able to park their car and that is safe, then surely, your property will be in demand. You can also get the more for this facility. Obviously, tenants will get something that can solve a bigger problem, and this place will be rightly managed, so no question is there to have the perfect rent from here. How much it can give you that can be easily known by discussing with the property management companies MD. You will be happy to know that for sure. So, enjoy it and earn satisfaction.

5. Storage Place

The other facility that attracts the renters will be the storage. If you have the proper place, then obviously, it makes the works of arranging things and more will be easy. And also, tenants love to be part of the same. But one thing more that you should be sure about this facility doesn’t have any issue related to the pests and more. So, get the assistance about the same and do the regular inspection as part of the md property management, so that your storage is perfect and it can’t be the reason for any damage. The facility you have offers that should be perfect.

6. Laundry In The Building Or Unit

You can think to add the laundry services so that people don’t need to think much where he or she manages the things. Obviously, this facility will be the reason for getting attracted to your property. So, add this thing as well and enjoy the benefits.

Well, these are the things you may think to add because the ways will make your property perfect and attractive too. So, apply the same, and you will get many renters that apply for allowing them to stay here. Obviously, it will be something that you are opting for. But when you make the decision, don’t be in a hurry, take your time, do the screening well and then you can think to give it in rent. Surely, it makes the property safe, and these facilities make it on demand for all the time.


Study tests the use of Google as an aid for medical diagnoses

Friday, November 10, 2006

In an internet-based study published today on the website of the British Medical Journal, Australian investigators tested how well Googling could help to establish a difficult diagnosis. The search results met against their criteria in 15 out of 26 cases.

Previous anecdotes of the use of Google in reaching a difficult diagnosis are presented in the paper. In a case described in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), a physician diagnosed IPEX syndrome after submitting the typical diagnostic clues to the search engine. A patient’s father replied to doctor’s saying that his son had acute subclavian vein thrombosis of unknown origin: “But of course hehas Paget-von Schrötter syndrome.”

Hangwi Tang and Jennifer Hwee Kwoon Ng from the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane selected clinical cases from the NEJM blind to the correct diagnosis. They selected 3 to 5 rather specific features, searched Google, and selected the 3 disorders from the results that seemed to fit the case best. If one of those was right, Google was said to be “right”.

The scientists admit that an internet search probably works better with specific symptoms rather than with phrases such as “fever ill pain”. Also, the percentage may depend on the operating physician’s knowledge base, and the test was not double-blind.

Experts commented that the internet is not a replacement for doctors, but should be seen as a way of supporting doctors and patients. A spokeswoman for the Patient Association added that “a lot of sites are not credible. There are lots of good sites out there, but we also know that there are many that are not credible.”

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Study_tests_the_use_of_Google_as_an_aid_for_medical_diagnoses&oldid=405754”

I Need What Part?

I Need What Part?One of the first things you learn as a homeowner is that you may own your home, but you dont actually live in it full time. You get to spend the rest of your time living in the hardware store or hardware dept of your local retail store. Unfortunately the older the home the more frequent you visit this vast place with aisles and aisles of thingies and who whos, that previously meant little more than, that aisle that my dad use to get all kinds of shiny pipes, connectors, and silver and brass things. A place where he spent many hours, (and you will too), talking about stuff with strange names and even stranger looking objectsd plumbing.For now Im just going to talk about plumbing. The first thing to realize is that older homes have plumbing systems that use galvanized pipe, which will corrode over time, leading to low pressure and leaks, (modern homes use copper and flexible pipe). Also in most modern homes there are usually stop valves, (these are the little turn thingies) under each sink and toilet in the house, the most important one is the main water cut off. KNOW WHERE THIS IS LOCATED!! Or be ready to watch Ole Faithful wash your ceiling.So, as a result of my many Trial by Water episodes of plumbing problems, I thought it time to clarify some of the incorrect definitions of plumbing terms with the correct ones used by the pros, at least, the pros in my local hardware store. These are all terms that I have come across in my attempts (more failures and disasters than success stories) to rectify some problems I have encountered with my 20 year old home. 1) ABS pipe not to be confused with PVC pipe ABS-Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene: It is a rigid black plastic pipe used for drain, waste and vent lines.PVC-Polyvinyl Chloride: It is a rigid white or cream colored plastic pipe used in non-pressure systems, such as drainage, waste and vent systems.2) Aerator: This is not biology. it is NOT part of a womans anatomy. It is a device screwed into the end of a faucet spout that mixes air into flowing water, and controls flow to reduce splashing. 3) Drip Channel:This is not a TV channel for plumbers, or your spouses cousin. A metal channel that is designed to prevent water running down a shower door from dripping onto the floor when the door is opened. 4) Fitting: No, not a dry run of putting all the parts together to see if they fit, also included here to point out another bunch of terms to look-up. Any pipe part used to join together two sections of pipe, such as elbows, couplings, bushings, bends, wyes, etc.5) Flow Rate:Wronghow high the water spouts out of the tap when the handle breaks off and the water is still turned on. Rating in gallons per minute (GPM) or gallons per hour. (GPH)6) Nipple: Again..this is NOT anatomy A short length of pipe installed between couplings or other fittings. 7) O-Ring:Has absolutely nothing to do with a Space Shuttle although they serve a slightly similar purpose.It is a round rubber washer used to create a water tight seal, chiefly around valve stems. 8) Snake; All I could envision here was a real sake put into the toilet to eat anything in its path on the way to the septic tank, then the screams of the next person using the toilet when the snake returns.A long, highly flexible metal wire or coil used for cleaning drains. Also called plumber’s snake. 9) Stillson Wrench:Not a hat that looks like a pipe wrench.It is a large L shaped pipe wrench. It has jaws that are adjustable and will tighten as pressure on the handle is increased. It is also known as a pipe wrench. 10) Teflon Tape: Not a how to video of plumbing projects involving plastics. A fluorocarbon polymer with non-sticking properties used to wrap pipe threads to seal a joint. 11) Yoke: This is not a funny story by a Swedish plumber. Usually a brass casting that holds both the hot and cold valves and the mixing chamber for the water.If you have a plumbing problem and are not sure about how plumbing works, this is not a time to experiment. Take it from personal experience, the disasters you can create are not worth the need to say humph who needs a plumber..I can fix this! Do yourself a BIG favor and consult a plumber. If it is a small job that you can confidently fix yourself I have but one piece of advice to giveshut off the water first!!!!!!!…and that is about it except for these final words that my late father always said:A good flush beats a full house every time.


Wikinews Shorts: November 26, 2008

A compilation of brief news reports for Wednesday, November 26, 2008.

 Contribute to Wikinews by expanding these briefs or add a new one.

Nick Clegg, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, a British political party, has expressed his concern over the lack of men in childcare. In a speech to the Daycare Trust, Clegg commented on the issue. “There is still a huge stigma attached to men wanting to work in childcare,” he said. “Even just for men who want to take a more hands-on role in providing care for their own children.”

“The Daycare Trust’s own research shows that one in four men would consider working in childcare,” he continued. “Sadly some worry that their motives would be viewed with suspicion.”


  • “Concern on lack of men in childcare” — The Press Association, November 25, 2008
  • Press Release: “Clegg: Lack of men in childcare denies young children role models” — Liberal Democrats, November 25, 2008

A Pakistani hacker group named the Pakistan Cyber Army has reportedly attacked the official website of an Indian public sector petroleum company called Oil and Natural Gas Corporation. The attack was in response to the attacking of the official website of Pakistan state corporation Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority by Indian hackers named HMG, who attacked the OGRA’s website on November 17, and left a message on front page of the website that they would hack any Pakistani website with poor security controls. However, OGRA’s spokesman said he has no information on the incident.


  • “Pakistani hackers hack Indian website” — The News International, November 25, 2008
  • Muhammad Ali Raza. “A Message from PCA (Pakistan Cyber Army)” — propakistani.com, November 24, 2008

Apple Inc. has been told by the British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) to stop showing its advertisement, which describes the internet connection on the iPhone 3G as “really fast,” while pictures on the screen showed pages loading in less than a second.

ASA stated that the ad is likely to “lead viewers to believe that the device actually operated at or near to the speeds shown in the ad,” which, according to the organisation, it does not. As a result, the ASA ruled that the ad “must not appear again in its current form.”


  • “Apple made to drop iPhone advert” — BBC News Online, November 26, 2008
  • Press Release: “ASA Adjudications” — Advertising Standards Authority, November 26, 2008

This story has new developments.

Updated information can be found here.

1903 UTC According to local reports, 10 people were left dead and others injured in the Indian city of Mumbai after gunmen opened fire there.

The police say that it appears to be a terrorist attack.

Gunmen started shooting at seven locations, including a crowded restaurant and a train station. There were also reports of shooting at a hospital and two hotels, as well as two explosions, which are believed to be grenade attacks.


  • “Mumbai rocked by deadly shootings” — BBC News Online, November 26, 2008
  • “Terror attacks in Mumbai; 10 dead, several injured” — The Times of India, November 26, 2008

Nigeria’s food and drug agency has said that 25 children, aged from 3 months to 4 years, have died after consuming a contaminated teething syrup. Ten others are reported to have been hospitalised.

The National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control said that the syrup, which goes under the name of “My Pikin”, had been tainted with diethylene glycol, a substance that is usually used in antifreeze and engine coolant.

The agency added that it has shut down Barewa Pharmaceuticals, the Lagos-based manufacturer of the syrup.


  • “‘Bad syrup’ kills Nigerian babies” — BBC News Online, November 26, 2008
  • “Nigeria bans teething drug after 25 children die” — guardian.co.uk, November 26, 2008

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Wikinews_Shorts:_November_26,_2008&oldid=1468021#Pakistani_hackers_attack_Indian_website”

Wikinews interviews former Salt Lake City mayor and 2012 presidential candidate Rocky Anderson

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Former Salt Lake City mayor and human rights activist Rocky Anderson took some time to discuss his 2012 U.S. presidential campaign and the newly-created Justice Party with Wikinews reporter William S. Saturn.

Anderson served as mayor of Salt Lake City for eight years (2000–2008) as a member of the Democratic Party. During his tenure, he enacted proposals to reduce the city’s carbon emissions, reformed its criminal justice system, and positioned it as a leading sanctuary for refugees. After leaving office, Anderson grew critical of the Democratic Party’s failure to push for impeachment against President George W. Bush, and for not reversing policies on torture, taxes, and defense spending. He left the party earlier this year and announced that he would form a Third party.

Anderson officially established the Justice Party last week during a press conference in Washington D.C.. He proclaimed “We the people are powerful enough to end the perverse government-to-the-highest-bidder system sustained by the two dominant parties…We are here today for the sake of justice — social justice, environmental justice and economic justice.” The party promotes campaign finance reform and is attempting to appeal to the Occupy Wall Street movement. It is currently working on ballot access efforts, and will hold a Founding Convention in February 2012 in Salt Lake City.

Among other issues, Anderson discussed climate change, health care, education, and civil liberties. He detailed his successes as mayor of Salt Lake City, stressed the importance of executive experience, and expressed his views on President Barack Obama and some of the Republican Party presidential candidates. He spoke in depth about former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, with whom he worked during the 2002 Winter Olympics, and fellow Utahan, former governor and U.S. ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, Jr..

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Wikinews_interviews_former_Salt_Lake_City_mayor_and_2012_presidential_candidate_Rocky_Anderson&oldid=4635257”

The Different Types Of Stethoscopes

The stethoscope is an auditory medical device used for listening to internal sounds inside a person or animals body. It has many uses and can listen to sounds of the heart, intestines, blood flow in arteries and veins as well as breathing. The stethoscope is the primary diagnostic instrument of all healthcare providers and is always a part of their uniform.

The acoustic stethoscope is normally what people think of when they refer to a stethoscope. This transmits sound from the head (diaphragm or bell) through hollow tubes to the listener’s ears. One issue with the acoustic stethoscopes is they have an extremely low volume. A person needs to listen very carefully. Even with the low sound, this type of stethoscope is most commonly utilized.

The electronic stethoscope operates basically the same way except it amplifies the sound electronically. Also known as the stethophone, this device is wireless, can record sounds and has features that the acoustic cannot give the user. This type can actually reduce the noise around it so the sound the listener is trying to hear is enhanced.

In 2001, personal computer based software was introduced which enables the stethoscope to be able to print a hard copy graph of the cardio and pulmonary sounds that are being generated. This option increases health care immensely in remote locations.

The fetal stethoscope is utilized for pregnant women. Also known as the fetoscope, is placed against the abdomen so that the physician can listen to the heart sounds of the developing fetus.

There are different types of stethoscopes available to the medical practitioner. There is the old standby the acoustic stethoscope that one normally thinks of. There is also the electronic stethoscope that can actually print off a graph regarding one’s heart or lung functions. This is great for in the field. Finally there is the fetal stethoscope that can assist the physician with listening for the fetal heartbeat. Stethoscopes are very valuable to the healthcare professional and keeping the patient healthy.

Jeffrey Ware



U.S. judge orders release of President Trump’s tax records, appeals court issues delay

Thursday, October 10, 2019

On Monday, United States District Court Judge Victor Marrero issued a ruling against President Donald Trump finding that New York City prosecutors could view his tax records after a subpoena issued by a grand jury. The Manhattan district attorney’s office is investigating Trump over alleged hush money paid to two women with whom he has been alleged to have had affairs. Such payments could be considered bribery. President Trump sued Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr. and his own tax preparer Mazars USA to block the release of eight years of tax returns to the grand jury, but Judge Marrero dismissed the president’s lawsuit. The president’s legal team appealed the decision to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, which issued an administrative stay to Marrero’s order about an hour and a half after the district court ruling.

The appeals court ruling placed a stay on the district court’s ruling until it hears arguments from the president’s lawyers and District Attorney Vance’s office. According to a court clerk, arguments in the case would be scheduled as soon as the week of October 21, with briefs from both parties due in the intervening time until then.

Trump had asked the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York intervene in a New York City criminal proceeding, in which a subpoena had been issued to Trump’s tax preparer. He sought such intervention to prevent Mazars from releasing his tax returns, arguing that, as president, he should be immune from prosecution, and that, by extension, his tax preparer, Mazars USA, could likewise be exempt from investigation. Marrero rejected this argument:

The notion of federal supremacy and presidential immunity from judicial process that the President here invokes, unqualified and boundless in its reach as described above, cuts across the grain of […] constitutional precedents. It also ignores the analytic framework that the Supreme Court has counseled should guide review of presidential claims of immunity from judicial process. Of equal fundamental concern, the President’s claim would tread upon principles of federalism and comity that form essential components of our constitutional structure and the federal/state balance of government powers and functions. Bared to its core, the proposition the President advances reduces to the very notion that the Founders rejected at the inception of the Republic, and that the Supreme Court has since unequivocally repudiated: that a constitutional domain exists in this country in which not only the President, but, derivatively, relatives and persons and business entities associated with him in potentially unlawful private activities, are in fact above the law.

Because this Court finds aspects of such a doctrine repugnant to the nation’s governmental structure and constitutional values, and for reasons further stated below, it ABSTAINS from adjudicating this dispute and DISMISSES the President’s suit.

Following Marrero’s order, the appeals court issued a stay, delaying Mazars’ compliance with the subpoena until it could review the case.

Trump responded to the ruling via Twitter, attacking the subpoena as a political strategy: “The Radical Left Democrats have failed on all fronts, so now they are pushing local New York City and State Democrat prosecutors to go get President Trump.”

The Manhattan district attorney’s office began its probe into Trump’s financial affairs after his former lawyer Michael Cohen was convicted of federal campaign finance law violations connected to payments made to porn actress Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal to remain silent about alleged affairs with Trump. Cohen is serving a three-year-long prison sentence.

Trump has admitted to ordering the payments, according to prosecutors, but the U.S. Justice Department maintains a policy of not charging the sitting president with crimes.

In recent United States history, it has been customary, but voluntary, for presidential candidates to release their tax returns when running for office. Trump was the first president to refuse to do so since 1976. Trump has cited an Internal Revenue Service audit as prohibiting him from releasing them. The president has a lawsuit to prevent a New York State law from allowing the House of Representatives’ Committee on Ways and Means from gaining access to his records.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=U.S._judge_orders_release_of_President_Trump%27s_tax_records,_appeals_court_issues_delay&oldid=4629278”